Amelia Blackwell laid in her bed staring up onto her roof which she had filled with glow in the dark stars. All she could hear was her breath and her steady heartbeat. It was kind of peaceful.

She was deep in her mind, thinking of everything and nothing. It was when she was all alone and everything was quiet she finally got to think. It wasn't always a good thing though.

She heard an odd noise from downstairs, waking her up from her thoughts. She debated if she should brush it off as nothing or go down to investigate. But, if it happened to be what she thought it was she had to check if everything was ok.

She made her way down in a hurry, careful to make as little noise as possible. The worst-case scenario would be that a serial killer had broken into her home and had intended to kill her, the rational
one whatsoever—

As she turned the corner, her gaze landed on her mother. She laid on the couch completely blacked out, a burnt-out cigarette in one hand and a shattered wine glass on the floor. Her makeup was smudged all over her face and her hair was all over the place.

"You have to be kidding" She groaned in dismay
as she walked closer. At least the wineglass seemed to have been empty.

She took up the broken pieces on the floor and laid them on top of the table before she put a pillow under her mother's head and a blanket over her body. Then, she headed back upstairs. She was too unbothered to stay, she had seen her blackout one too many times.

She opened the door to her room and instantly jumped by a figure sitting on her windowsill.

"Holy shit!" She yelled out almost out of breath. Her heartbeat had raised so much she felt like it was strange she didn't have a heart attack.

"Hey to you too, neighbor" Marcus grinned amusingly, his eyes following her as she walked
into the room and sat on her bed.

"How many times have I told you that you can't just climb through my window whenever you feel like it?" She rolled her eyes with a small huff.

In the many years' Amelia had been friends with Marcus, he must have made himself feel at home in her room at least a thousand times. Not that she minded it, she liked having him over, but a warning could have been nice.

"So, hear this..." He let out, completely ignoring her question as he got up from the window sill and sat beside her on the bed. "I was outside and the new neighbor lady ran up to me and asked me for weed"

"What?" She laughed out as she dropped her head down on the pillow. "And, did you give it to her?"

"Of, course, easy money" He responded as he also laid down. "Anyway, I heard she has a daughter. I hope she's cool, we need someone to spice things up around here. Everyone's too boring."

"Gee, thanks" She said as he turned to face him, hitting him playfully in the arm.

He gave her that charming grin of his and pushed some of his hair away from his eyes. If she didn't know him she'd be intimidated by his capability to hold eye contact as long as he did. "You're the only exception"

A small smile appeared on her lips as the words left his mouth but she hid it as quickly as it arrived.
"What about your girlfriend?"

He rolled his eyes and shook his head as if to signal — I've already told you. "Padma isn't my girlfriend"

"Sorry, I forgot, you don't do girlfriends"
She let out mockingly as she quoted him.

"I guess I just enjoy my freedom too much...unlike you" He joked as he put his hands under his head.
It was an obvious jab at her boyfriend Peter which Marcus didn't like at all.

"Shut up" She chuckled as she took the pillow under his head and smacked him hard across the face with it leaving him to look at her with a slightly shocked facial expression.

"Oh, alright..." He let out seriously, his gaze abruptly turning intense. She was about to apologize, maybe she hit him too hard? But, before she had the chance a mischievous grin made its way onto his lips. "so you want to play that game?"

Before she knew it he had positioned himself with his legs on each side of her stomach, sitting on top of her. He grabbed both the pillows on the bed and started to hit her with them over and over again.
Still more gently than she hit her.

"Marcus, stop!" She chuckled as she put her hands up to prevent the pillows from getting to her face.

He let go of the pillows and took a hold of her arms, pushing them back onto the bed, his face getting closer to hers as he let out a laugh. "Not so tough now, huh?"

She didn't respond because she had realized just how close they were. Yet she didn't move or try to get him off her. The room had gone completely silent, all that could be heard was both their heavy breathing.

His eyes traveled over her face and for the first time in their friendship she was completely unable to decipher the expression on his face. Her body was tingling, she couldn't explain it but there was something about the way he was looking at her.
Before she was able to blink, he had leaned even closer.

"Marcus!" A voice shouted loudly. It was coming from outside.

He let out a small huff, running his fingers through his hair as his head turned towards the window. They had both snapped out of it, whatever it was.

He got off of her as he moved towards the window, her following right behind him. When they looked outside they could see his twin sister and her friend, Maxine hanging halfway out the window of his room.


"Chill, I can hear you" He spoke out with a roll
of his eyes. "What do you want?"

"Hi, Amelia" Max said with a huge smile before
her eyes moved back to her brother. "Mom's looking for you"

"Ok, then what does she want?"

"As if I should know" She shrugged with a bit of annoyance in her voice before she disappeared
from the window and back into the house.

"Better hurry, don't want your mom to find another box of your stash" She smiled amusingly as she looked up to the taller boy.

"You're hilarious" He answered sarcastically before he started to climb out the window, struggling a bit.

"It's way easier to just use the door, you know" She chuckled as she put her elbows on the window frame, resting her face in her hands.

"But, way less fun" He said smoothly as he jumped onto the ground flawlessly, giving her the salute he always used when he said goodbye.

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - Ginny and GeorgiaWhere stories live. Discover now