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She piggybacked on Marcus up the stairs seeing how she would have probably tripped and broken something if she had attempted to walk herself.
He had agreed to let her sleepover because he could see how much she didn't want to go home.

He opened the door to his room, putting her back onto the floor as they entered.

"I've always loved your room" She smiled as she jumped into the bed, gazing around as if it were the first time she was in it. It was so unique. He had painted an eye on the wall right in front of his bed, surrounded by red and a hint of green and blue. On the other walls were skateboards that had been hung up and band posters.

"You should visit it more often" He joked as he went up to her, helping her take off her shoes.

"I'll need something to sleep in" She mumbled,
her eyes half-closed.

He nodded slightly as he went over to his closet, she tried her best to take off her jeans in the meantime, her shirt already off since she took it off earlier.

"Here you go," He said as he handed her an oversized t-shirt. As she took it over her head she smiled sheepishly. It smelled like him.

When she had laid fully down onto the pillow, she noticed Marcus still standing over her. He took a hold of his comforter and wrapped it around her before he turned off the lamp on his bedside table.

"So, uh, I'll go sleep in the guest room" He spoke out awkwardly as he scratched the back off his neck, starting to walk slowly towards the door.

"Marcus" she hummed, her eyes closed.

"Yeah?" He replied, quickly turning back around to look at the girl laying peacefully in his bed.

"Stay" She whispered out softly, just loud enough for him to hear.

"You sure?" He asked with raised eyebrows. He didn't want to seem like he was taking advantage of her considering her current state. Especially not since he had been kind of a douchebag towards her earlier when she was sad.

"I want you here" She slurred out assuringly as she patted the empty side of the bed with a lazy nod.

He laughed at how weird her sentences were coming out before he walked back into the room, closing the door behind him. They could hear the party still going on downstairs, but both of them zoned it out.

He took off his shirt and jeans before he slid into the other side of the bed. She turned around so they weren't facing each other. She didn't know what she would do if they were.

She could feel his body heat radiating onto her own body and she couldn't help but slide closer to him. In response, he wrapped his arms around her waist, his neck in the crook of her shoulder.

"You know, this isn't right" Amelia let out softly as she thought of what they were doing, cheating and lying. Yet, she still didn't move away from him.

It was as if they were magnets like he was the plus to her minus, and no matter how hard any of them tried, they always clung together.

"It isn't" He agreed in a whisper, his hand traveling down to hers as he intertwined them.

She couldn't explain why, but she felt safe laying there with him. No nervousness, no guilt, just pure peace. And, so, as the room grew quieter and all she could feel was his heartbeat against her back, she fell comfortably to sleep.

Amelia was woken by the light peeking through the curtains and bird song. She tried to stretch her body when she felt something wrapped around it. As she turned around she was face to face with a sleeping Marcus, his hands wrapped around her waist.

She widened her eyes in surprise and as her eyes traveled through her surroundings, she realized they were in his room. The night before flashed through her mind and she couldn't help but to mentally cuss herself out. She had said and done
so many things she wished she hadn't.

She tilted her head to the side, a weak smile appearing on her face as she watched his adorable sleeping face. He looked so peaceful where he laid and as she looked at him she debated if she should get up and leave, risking to wake him or lay there until he woke.

The words she had let out before she fell asleep started echoing through her mind — this isn't right.
And, so, as gently as she could she removed the arms wrapped around her body, getting up and having on her jeans, but leaving his shirt on as she climbed out the window. She couldn't go out the front door because then Max would know she slept in his room.

As she entered her own house she heard the television play loudly from the living room. She was about to ignore it and walk straight up to her room like always but this time something was making her stop up.

She turned back around as her feet led her into the living room where her mother was watching a sitcom with a wine glass in hand. Without saying a word she sat down beside her which caused her mother to look at her with a perplexed facial expression.

"Mom?" Amelia let out, fiddling with her hands anxiously, her eyes glued onto the floor instead of on her. "Why do you drink?"

She needed to know.

"Oh, honey" Her mother let out humorously. "Why else than to drink away sorrows and worries?"

She felt a pit in her stomach as she sank into the couch realizing that was exactly what she was doing.

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - Ginny and GeorgiaWhere stories live. Discover now