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After what happened the day before, she couldn't face Peter so she had woken up earlier than usual to walk to school so he didn't need to drive. It took a much longer time, but she made it there about ten minutes before school started.

As she walked into the hallway she could feel the anxiety in her chest. Not only did she have to avoid one guy, but two. All because she had screwed up.

She had made it about halfway to her classroom and thought that perhaps she wouldn't have to face any of them the first period, but then she heard someone call her name. She put her hoodie over her head and kept walking at a faster speed. But, that someone that had called out her name had caught up to her and taken hold of her arm.

She turned around and was face to face with Peter.


"What's going on?" He asked with a worried tone in his voice, examining her face cautiously.

"Hey to you too" She responded with a weak smile as she looked down onto the floor. She couldn't look at him without feeling guilty.

"Why didn't you come to the football game yesterday?"

She bit her bottom lip as she stood there without saying a word. What was she going to say? — Hey,
I kissed my friend, you know my neighbor that I've told you a thousand times you don't have to worry about —.

"Seriously. Is there something wrong?" He asked quietly so none of the other students would hear. He took a hold of her hand and lowered his head so he could see her face which was looking to the ground and half covered by her hoodie so she wouldn't have to see him. "You haven't answered any of my calls and messages and when I came to pick you up this morning you had already left"

Amelia let out a sigh as she brought herself to look at him.

"Look, the thing is..." She was about to tell him the truth. "I fell asleep last night and when I woke up I realized I had missed your game and I felt really bad. I thought you would get disappointed"

"Is that it?" He asked with a laugh of disbelief. "Of course I wouldn't be disappointed at you for not showing up at a game. There's always another one"

"Yeah, it was a bit dramatic of me" She chuckled softly.

"It's fine" He shrugged as he intertwined their hands. Hopefully, it wasn't too noticeable how much her hand was shaking.

They walked further down the hallway when Amelia noticed who they were about to pass. Of course, it had to be the other person she also didn't want to see.

The universe must have been screwing with her.

As they passed Marcus and Padma, he stared right at her with an unreadable facial expression. She just wanted to hide, honestly.

His eyes then traveled from her and onto Peter and hers intertwined hands.

She started to think about how badly she probably had messed up things with Marcus. Perhaps, she had damaged their whole friendship. All for an impulsive decision that was impossible to take back.

Peter and she had abruptly stopped up which caused her to furrow her eyebrows in confusion until she realized they had reached her classroom.

He gave her a small peck and said goodbye as he headed to his own class. And, as he walked away she could finally let out the breath she didn't know she was holding in.

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - Ginny and GeorgiaWhere stories live. Discover now