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As Monday rolled around it seemed like nothing had happened, as if the sleepover on Friday was nothing more than a blurry dream. However, her annoying headache that had arrived the day after and had refused to leave was a reminder that it wasn't simply something playing in her head.

She made it through around half of history before she subtly dozed off on her desk, her hoodie over her head, only to be awoken by the school bell fifteen minutes later.

As she started to walk out of the classroom she couldn't help but feel Max's eyes on her. She didn't give her the satisfaction of turning her head to look back, she was still pissed.

The universe must have planned out for her to have a shitty day because as soon as she stepped out into the hallway the sight of Marcus and Padma making out by his locker caught her attention.

It was as if this sudden wave had fallen over her, causing her to stop in her tracks right there in the middle of the hallway. Her eyes were burnt onto them as she felt an uneasiness in her chest as if her heartbeat just kept on dropping over and over again. She felt like crying but at the same time, she felt like going up to them and punch him straight in the face.

She didn't know why her body was reacting that way because her head was telling her she wasn't entitled to feel like that. She knew when she kissed Marcus time after time that he wasn't willing to stop things with Padma. It was just that seeing it in action after what happened between the two of them on Friday, was different.

Abby approached Amelia as she was standing there, her eyes flickering over to Marcus and Padma then back to her before she took her hand and dragged her with her. That caused her to snap out of it all as her focus landed on why Abby was dragging her with her without saying a single word.

Soon after, they had come to a stop in the girls' restroom where she let go of her. There was this blank expression on her face and her arms were crossed as she let out, "Got something to tell me?"

"What?" Amelia questioned with confusion written all over her face. She truly had no idea what she wanted her to say and judging by her face it wasn't some silly gossip about something like usual.

"Cut the crap" She continued as she glared at her before she sighed deeply. "I know about Marcus and you"

For a second she stood there without saying a word, as she tried to figure out if she had heard correctly or if it only was something she was imagining. But, how would she even know about the two of them? It couldn't be possible.

"Wh—how?" She muttered out lowly, her face full of shock as she looked at her friend. For a second it felt like she couldn't breathe. What if Peter knew too?

She put her hand into her back pocket pulling out a bunch of photos, shoving them into Amelia's hand. "Found those on the outside of the photo booth"

That's when it all made sense, when Marcus and she had gotten out of the booth and she was going to get the photos, they weren't there. She had assumed the booth had broke and thought nothing of it.

"Abby" She breathed out in a quiet plead.

"What were you thinking? He's clearly hooking up with Padma, and you have a boyfriend Amelia, a boyfriend" She said with a mix of disappointment and anger, not fully looking at her for more than a second.

"I know..." She replied as she bit her lower lip, looking down onto the floor as she took in her words.

"And, on top of that is Max. It's one thing that Marcus and you were friends before all of this happened, but you are her friend too, and that is her brother. And, you lied about it, pretending like everything is fine. Well, it isn't" Abby continued rambling causing Amelia to feel worse and worse about her actions for each sentence.

"Should I tell her?" Was all she answered, timidly. She couldn't find anything else to say because she knew nothing could defend what she had done.

"No, keep your mouth shut," She said immediately, her gaze almost deadly. "She just got rejected by Riley at the sleepover and is already feeling like shit, she doesn't have to feel betrayed on top of that"

"But the right thing to do is tell her the truth, isn't it? Even if it hurts" Amelia let out as she fiddled with the arms of her hoodie. She knew that it all would raise hell-fire to tell Max, but at least she didn't have to have a secret that was slowly destroying her to keep, anymore.

"No, it isn't, and if you do you're a bad friend" Abby pressed as she started to walk towards the door to leave. "And, if I were you I would quit the thing between Marcus and you right now. It's only going to end in one of you getting hurt, don't drag Max with you"

Then she was gone, leaving Amelia in the realization of what she had been doing. Of course, she always knew it wasn't right, but she had only seen it from her perspective before, from moment to moment. She never truly thought of how many people she would hurt if they found out.

And, it needed to come to an end.

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - Ginny and GeorgiaWhere stories live. Discover now