Teenage Romance

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"We've got chem next right?" I questioned.

'Yeah, I think so,' the boy smiled at me.

Peter Parker. My best friend. I've known him since we were both about 5. I've been through everything with him. I found out he was Spiderman. We both blipped, coming back 5 years later. I was there for him for him after Tony died. There was nothing I wouldn't do for him.

However coming back after 5 years made me realise how empty my life would be without Peter. It made me realise that I was in love with him. I had been for a while. However I was scared to admit my feelings for him. I didn't want it to ruin our relationship. I don't think I could cope if I didn't have him in my life. I'd just have to hide my feelings. I'd gotten pretty used to it at this point.

We walked into class, Peter was telling me some joke I didn't fully understand. I just laughed along with him. When he smiled it brightened up the world that little bit.

'Oi Penis Parker,' I heard Flash yell from the corner of the room. I rolled my eyes still not entirely sure how he got into AP chemistry in the first. I felt Peter stiffen next to me.

'Just fuck off Flash.'

'Need your girlfriend to protect you now Parker,' he laughed and I just flipped him off as Peter and I took our seats.

The class dragged. I can't say chemistry is my favourite subject. Peter loved it and he was amazing at it. So I made him help me at every point I got stuck. Not that he minded. Class finally ended and we went to meet up with Mj and Ned in the cafeteria.

We got our food and sat down at the table with them. I put my tray down and looked disgusted at it. Pushing the food around with my fork.

'What the fuck is this,' I mumbled pushing the brown sludge around with my fork.

'It's actually not that bad,' Ned smiled eating a mouthful.

I looked in horror at the rest of them eating the food. I pushed my food away from me.

'Nah no way I'm eating that it looks like shit,' they all laughed at me as I put my head in my hands.

'You all right,' Peter asked nudging me with his elbow.

'Hmmm. Got a headache and feel like shit. Chemistry drains the life out of me,' I chuckled.

He pulled me into his side giving me a comforting hug. I breathed in his sent. It calming me.

'Delmar's after school?' he whispered and I nodded my head.

I left his embrace as he started to talk to Ned again. Mj giving me a funny look.

'What was that about?' she whispered.

'What,' I asked turning to make sure Ned and Peter couldn't hear what we were saying. They couldn't. They were too busy talking about some lego death star they wanted to build.

'You two acting all cuddly and then him whispering in your ear.'

'He just asked me if I wanted to go to Delmar's after school with him,' I shrugged. 'Besides we both know he doesn't see me in that way.'

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