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Georges POV

Dreams? What an interesting name for an ice cream shop. Whatever. I guess it does make sense a bit. Do I even want anything. I don't know, I don't know anything about this shop. Whatever the kids want ice cream. I mean I guess I want ice cream. Yeah, sure ill get some ice cream too.

Everyone's POV

"Can we get ice cream now!! We've been sitting here for 5 minutes!!" Tubbo says impatiently

"Oh, yeah we can sorry I was just thinking" George says guiltily 

"Yes!!" Tommy and Tubbo say exited

They get out of the car and enter the shop. The shop colors are white and green but since George is colorblind (me to George, me too) he sees yellow. They are greeted by a man at the register, he has a nice dirty-blond hair, blue eyes, and freckles, he's wearing a green hoodie with a smile as the design, jeans and a white apron. 

"Hello! And welcome to Dreams! My name is Dream, I'm the owner of this shop. Please sit down and take a look at the menu, ill be you guys in a moment!" The man at the register greets

"Thank you!" George say's back to the nice man

They take a seat and start looking at the menus. But Techno happens to notice Dream staring at George. 

"Looks like someone has a crush on you" Techno says talking to George

"What do you mean?" George says confused

"Look." Techno says nudging his head towards Dream 

George looks in the direction Techno was nudging his head to, as soon as he looks eye contact was made. Dream quickly looks away once they had eye contact. 

"Pfft, really Techno?" George says looking back at Techno

"What! I'm just saying!"

"He was looking at you since we've walked through the door" Wilbur adds

"You guys are being silly!" George says in disbelief

"Yeah, yeah." Wilbur says rolling his eyes with a smile

Dream starts walking over to their table.

"Did you guys decide what you want yet?" Dream asked without looking away from George

"Yes! We know! We know!" Tommy and Tubbo say with smiles on their faces

"Ok! What would you guys like" Dream says finally looking away from George

"We would like to share a big sunday please!" Tubbo says with a big smile on his face.

"Ok, one sunday" dream says writing on his notepad

"Anything else?" dream asked

"Yeah, can I get a small chocolate ice cream please?" Wilbur asked 

"Of course! Anything else?" Dream asked as he write on his notepad once more

"No, nothing for me" Techno says

"Ok. Anything for you?" Dream asked as he meets George's eyes once again

"Oh, no thank you" George says changing his mind from before

"Ok! Ill be back in a bit!" Dream says as he walks away

"You sure you don't want anything techno?" George asked

"Nah I'm good, you're doing enough just by babysitting." 

"Oh, well I honestly don't mind babysitting you guys, you guys are amazing!" 

"I know I am" Tommy says proudly

"Shut up Tommy, no you aren't!" Wilbur says 

"Guys no fighting, ok?" George jumps in

"Ok, ok." Tommy says kind of disappointed

A while later, George and Dream find each others eyes meeting again for the third time. Of course George doesn't think anything about it, but Dream? Dream looks quickly away again.

"Why does he keep looking away?" George asked

"Why, do you like looking into his eyes?" Tommy teased

But before George can answer Wilbur jumps in

"No, George its because he likes you, or maybe he finds you attractive" Wilbur adds

"I hardly know him and he hardly knows me!" George says confused

"Love at first sight" Tommy says smirking

"Tommy, enough, leave George alone" Techno says

"Okay, but its your loss!" Tommy says turning to Tubbo

"Its no ones loss Tommy" Wilbur says rolling his eyes

George giggles

Dreams POV (leaving off of where we were) 

His giggle. Its cute. What! What am I saying! I don't even know his name! Dream sighs. Whatever. Maybe ill talk to him before they leave, yeah ill do that. 

Everyone's POV (leaving off of where we were)

Dream comes back with the sunday and cup if chocolate ice cream. 

"Sorry it took long, I didn't think that it would take that long!" Dream says nervously as he hands out the ice cream.

"Oh no worry's!" George says smiling

Dreams smiles back and walks away.

"This looks so good! Right Tommy?" Tubbo asked

"Yes! It looks amazing! But not as amazing as me" Tommy says smirking

"How's your ice cream Wilbur?" George asked

"Its good! Thank you!" Wilbur thanked

"No problem! You sure you don't want any Techno?" George asked once more

"No, no thank you!" Techno says passing on the offer

"Ok if you say so!" 

A while later they all finish there ice cream. They are all getting ready to leave, but as soon as the get up Dream walks over to them.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" He asked George

"Sure! You guys get in the car, ill be there in a bit" George says to the kids

"Okay" They say

George and Dream watch the kids leave the shop.

"So what do you want to talk about?" George asked 

"Oh, I just wanted to know your name" 

"Oh! Well I'm George!" 

"Ok George, I'm Dream, but you can call me Clay. I also wanted to know if you wanted to hang out sometime, you seem like a pretty cool guy!" 

"Oh! Of course, sure!" 

"Ok, ill give you my number and we can make plans!"


They both trade numbers and wave goodbye as George exits the shop. George then get in the car to see the kids smirking

"What?" George asked confused

"You got his number, didn't you?" Tommy asked smirking

"Well yeah, he wanted to hang out sometime, I don't see anything of it?"

"George! He likes you!" Tubbo adds

"Whatever." George says rolling his eyes

On the car ride, it wasn't awkward, it was filled with conversation. They get home and hangout for a while, its now 6:26 and they already had dinner. They hear a car pull into the drive way. it must be Schlatt and Philza. They have a short conversation with George before he leaves. Then they all say goodbye to George and George heads home.

Once George gets home its 9:46, Georges tired but instead of him going to sleep he gets a text from Dream.

end of chapter

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