Truth or Dare

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10:54 am

George wakes up realizing that he was laying on top of Dream. "Good morning" Dream said as George looks up at him. "Sorry." George says getting up. "Why are you sorry?" Dream asked "I fell asleep on top of you." George answered "Its ok George." Dream says sitting up. They get up and get changed, taking turns one at a time.

Dream was wearing one of his merch hoodies and black jeans. And George was wearing one of Dreams merch T-shirts and jeans that Karl gave him.

They head down stairs, seeing the other 3 sitting at the kitchen table. "You guys finally up?" Sapnap asked. "Oh please. You guys fell asleep on the couch watching that movie." Dream says sitting down. "Ok? What about it?" Sapnap asked. "You guys fell asleep at 10:26" George added. "Oh." The 3 of them say in sync. After that they all laugh a bit.

A while later they already eaten breakfast. They are all sitting on the couch watching TV.

"I have an idea!" Karl said sitting up from the couch.

"What?" Quackity asked.

"How about we play Truth or Dare?" Karl asked but also answering Quackity question.

"Isn't that a kids game?" Dream asked.

"How is it a kids game?" Sapnap asked.

"It just is. You sit around and asking people questions or to do something." Dream answer

"Come on Clay it would be fun!" Karl said.

"Fine." Dream says finally giving in.

"What about you George?" Quackity asked.

"Oh, I guess I'll play." George says

They all sit in a circle in the middle of the living room floor. They played a while asking truths, answering truths. Telling each other to do something, doing dares. It was fun until.

(I am sorry for this part)

"Umm.. George. Truth or dare?" Karl asked

"Umm, dare." George answered.

"Yes! Ok, ok. I dare you to put on a skirt and walk around the park with it on!" Karl says smirking

"What? Where would I even get a skirt?" George asked

"I have a couple. Don't ask." Karl says standing up

"Follow me" he continued

Karl, George and Quackity (he wanted to go with them) all go to Karl's room.

Sapnap and Dreams POV:

"Wow I can't believe George is actually gonna do the dare." Sapnap says surprised

"Yeah I guess" Dream says

Back to everyone's POV

Karl and Quackity enter the living room. "Where George?" Dream asked "Oh he's coming." Quackity says with a smirk on his face  George soon a little later enters the living room. He's wearing a light blue skirt with Dreams white merch t-shirt tucked into it. "I'm not gonna lie, I kinda like this." George says looking at his outfit. "Yeah I guess someone else does to, he can't keep his eyes off you" Sapnap teased. "Fuck off Sapnap." Dream says looking away from George.

After a while they head down to the park. They get there and surprise surprise! Philza, Schlatt, Techno, Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo are there. Tommy noticed George.

"George!" Tommy screamed out.

"Oh! Hello Tommy!" George says walking over to them. The other 4 follow.

Wilbur and Techno happen to notice Dream with him. But they know him as the guys that was starring at George in the ice cream shop.

"Hey George!" Phil and Schlatt greets.

"Hello!" George greets back

"George? Are you wearing a skirt?" Tubbo asked.

"Uh yeah, why?" George answered

"I dunno. It looks good on you though!" Tubbo complements George.

"Thank you Tubbo!" George says with a smile.

A while later they all are hanging out getting to know each other. George, Wilbur, Techno, Tommy and Tubbo are all talking while The other 6 are talking. Soon Dream goes up behind George and hugs him form behind, digging his head into Georges shoulder. The kids happen to notice and smirk at George. Leaving George a bit red.

"Are you ok, Clay?" George asked

"Yup, I'm fine jus wanted to hug you." Dream says muffled, only George heard him.

A while later, it starts to get dark. They all leave the park. They got to Dreams and Sapnaps house. George starts to get his stuff ready and starts to leave. Karl told him he can keep the skirt, since he liked it so much.

Once George got home it was 9:26 pm. George got ready for bed. He got into his bed and started texting Dream. They texted for a couple of hours. By the time they stopped texting it was 1:34 am. They said goodbye and goodnight, and they went to bed.

End of chapter.

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