Meet up

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George wakes up to a ringing from his phone. It's a discord call, from Dream and Sapnap. He answers along with a "Hello?" "Hello George!" Dream and Sapnap replied. "We were wondering if you wanted to come over to our house." Sapnap asked. "Wait? You guys live together?" George asked confused. Dream and Sapnap laughed a bit. "Yeah!" Dream finally said replying to the question. "Oh well then sure. I guess." George replying to Sapnap's question. "Great! See you soon! I'll text you the address!" Sapnap said. "Ok! See ya!" George replied.

George got out of bed, and got dressed. A blue shirt with a white collar and black ripped jeans. A "ding" from his phone, Sapnap sent the address. He grabs his phone and throws on shoes and grabs his keys. He heads out the door locking it behind him. He gets in his car and heads to his location.

He gets to the house and gets out the car. Sapnap, Dream and two others were waiting outside for him. "Hello!" George says getting out of his car. "Hello!" Dream replied while a smile crossing his face. "Hello George!" Sapnap said "ehem!" One of the other people said nudging Sapnap. He had a white t-shirt with a jacket unzipped, and a beanie. "Oh right!" Sapnap said, realizing something. "George meet Quackity and Karl." Sapnap says pointing them out. "Nice to meet you!" George says with a happy expression. "Nice to meet you to!" Karl says with a smile. Then they head into the house and Quackity, Karl, and Sapnap enter a room, must be Sapnap room.

Dream looks at George with a smirk. "What?" George asked "Nothin, nothin. Come on I'll show you my room" Dream says grabbing Georges arm dragging him up the stairs. Once they are up the stairs they enter a room. Must be Dreams room. Obviously.

They sit on Dreams bed talking for a what seemed like minutes but was actually hours, George didnt even noticed that it was now dark outside.

A bit later, Quackity enters the room. Dream and George turn as he says "Sapnap was wonder if you guys wanted to watch a movie with us." George looks out the window. "It's already dark?" He asked. "Yeah, you didn't notice?" Quackity asked. "Wow. Today went but so fast." Dream added. "Yeah I guess, and Quackity I would love to watch a movie with you guys but it's getting late and I should probably get home before it gets to late." George says with a disappointed face. "Well what if you stay the night?" Quackity asked "I don't know where I'll sleep and I don't have my cloths" George says. "Well, you can borrow my cloths" Dream says "Ok, but where would I sleep?" George asked "With Dream." Sapnap says entering the room with Karl, Karl giggled a bit when he said that. "What?" Dream and George said with confused faces. Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity knew Dream didn't mind and was acting confused. "I don't want to bother." George says. "Bother what?" Karl asked. "Ya know, you guys." George answered "you not a bother George." Dream says standing up. "Okay then I guess I'll stay the night." George says. "Great! Now can we watch the movie!" Karl asked impatiently "Yes, yes Karl." Sapnap says as he head out of the room. Karl and Quackity follow.

Dream and George follow a bit after. They get down the stairs and head onto the couch. Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity get in a "cuddle" position (cuz ya know- they fiancé's) while Dream gets on the other end of the couch and George sits on the floor. "You sure you wanna be on the floor George?" Sapnap asked. "Oh yeah, this is fine." George replied looking away from the TV. They start the movie.

A hour goes by. Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity fell asleep. While George and Dream stayed up watching the movie. "You sure you wanna stay on the floor? You're starting to look pretty uncomfortable." Dream whispered "mmm, yeah, I'm fine" George whispered back. "No you're not. Get up here." Dream says denying George. "No, no I'm fine" George says refusing. "George. Get up here." Dream says arguing back. "No Dream. I'm fine." George says refusing once again. "Fine then you leave me no choice." Dream says. Dream then gets up, picks George up and placing him on the couch. Then he sat back down in a place where George couldn't get up.

George had a pouty expression on his face. "What? Mad that you lost." Dream says laughing a bit. No reply. "Come on George. I just don't want you to be uncomfortable." Again no reply. Dream gives up talking to George and turns to the TV screen.

Dream and George were now in a position kinda like Sapnaps, Quackitys, and Karl's. A while later the movie was done. Dream and George turned off the TV and quietly went upstairs, without bothering the other 3 sleeping. They went in Dreams, taking turns changing. Then got into bed, they ended up in a cuddle position. Well because Dream made sure of it.

A few moments later they fell asleep

End of chapter.

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