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George wakes up by a text from Philza

Phil: Hey George. Sorry to bother you but can you babysit today?

George: Of course I can!

Phil: Great, your going to be babysitting Schlatt's kid to, Tubbo.

George: Great! Can I bring a friend with me?

Phil: Do I know them?

George: Yes, you met him at the park yesterday, Clay

Phil: Oh! Clay, yeah you can bring him!
Let me tell Schlatt he's going to be babysitting as well.

George: Ok! See ya soon!

Phil: See ya!

George then starts to text Dream

George: Clay?

Dream: Hello George!

George: Your going to be babysitting with me!

Dream: woah, woah, woah! When did I sign up for this?

George: You didn't. I signed you up, and you don't have a choice.

Dream: Fine. When are we babysitting?

George: Today! I'll pick you up! See ya soon!

Dream: Ok. See ya soon.

George gets out of bed and gets dressed. A gray hoodie and black jeans. He eats breakfast, then gets his shoes on, grabs his keys and heads out the door locking it behind him.

He gets in the car and heads to Dreams house. He gets there and Dream is already waiting outside for him. Dream gets in the car and they start heading to Philzas house.

They pull into the drive way. They get out of the car and meet Schlatt and Phil by the door. They have short conversation then Phil ad Schlatt get going.

They enter the house, once again, what sounds like a stampede is heading down the stairs.

"Georgeeee!!!!" Tubbo and Tommy shout as they run down the stairs, Techno and Wilbur following.

"Hello! It's great to see you guys again!" George says hugging Tommy and Tubbo.

"It's good to see you to!" Wilbur says smiling

A while later, it's now 5:43. Phil and Schlatt said they would be home a bit later then usual.

"George, can we watch a movie?" Tubbo asked

"Of course we can! What movie?" George responded

"It!" Techno and Wilbur say with grinning faces

"Yeah! It!" Tommy and Tubbo agree

"I don't know guys, I really don't like scary movies." George says nervously

"Oh come on George. Just this once. And besides I'm here if you get scared." Dream says

George looks away from the eye contact that was made between Dream and George, he looks are the kids smirking raising their eyebrows up and down. 😉

(I'm sorry 😭)

"Alright fine." George says giving in.

They get the movie going and sit on the couch. Tommy and Tubbo just big enough for both of them to sit on the side chair. Wilbur and Techno sit on one end of the couch, and Dream and George sit on the other end.

A while later, they get to a jump-scar part. Which made George jump and hug Dreams torso and dig his face into his chest. Tubbos asleep but the other 3 notice and start smirking.

Tommy was going to say something but Wilbur stopped him. Tommy give a eye roll at Wilbur.

For the rest of the movie George was clinging onto Dream.

The movie ended. The kids were asleep. It was now 10:43. Philza and Schlatt still weren't home.

"Their still not home." George whispered looking up at Dream.

"Yeah. I guess." Dream whispered back.

"How about you go to sleep. I'm sure they won't mind if we sleep over." Dream continued

George nodded and fell asleep, still hugging Dream and his head on his chest. Dream soon later fell asleep with his head laying on George's head.

End of chapter.

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