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George wakes up to a nice warm hug. His face is dug into Dream's chest. Dream is still sleeping, if George moves it will wake Dream up. He doesn't what to do that. George then falls back to sleep.


Dream wakes up, he shakes George lightly to wake him up. "George, wake up." Dream say still shaking him. "Mmm. No." George says (mans really said no❤️) "come on George." Dream says sitting up. "Whyyy" George complains. "Because it's morning and you can't stay in bed forever." "Watch me." Dream then gets out of bed. "Where are you going?" George asked. "To live life and not sleep." Dream says stretching. "No. Get back here and cuddle me." George says opening up his arms. Before Dream could answer, a ding from George's phone. Dream then grabs his phone and reads a text from Phil. "Phil just asked if you could babysit today." Dream says. "Text him back "sure"" George says. "Ha! Now you have to get out of bed!" Dream says typing. "Nooo, what have I done." George says rolling out of bed.

George and dream then get dressed (you picture the outfit, idgaf) and head down stairs, meeting up with Karl, Alex, and Sippy-cup. (You thought I was done with that? Ha! Never.) They all eat breakfast, pancakes and bacon. "I gotta go baby sit now." George says getting up. "Can I come?" Dream asked. "Sure why not." George says shrugging. Then then get ready to leave and before they leave snapmap yells out "Bye, have fun you to, but not to much fun."

Dream and George get to Phil's house, seeing Phil and Schlatt waiting outside. "Hey Phil, do you mind if Dream tags along?" George asked getting out of the car. "Not at all!" Phil answers. "Great!" George says with a beaming smile. "Well we got to get going now or we'll be late! Good luck." Schlatt says waving bye, Phil following him.

Dream and George then enter the house, seeing Tommy and Tubbo in the living room waiting for them. "GEORGE!" Tommy and Tubbo shout out, running towards George. "Tommy, Tubbo!" George says getting down to their level to give them a hug. "I'm guessing George is here?" Wilbur says talking to Techno, going down the stairs. "No, Tommy and Tubbo are screaming "George" because they miss him so much." Techno says sarcastically, following behind Wilbur. "Whatever." Wilbur says with an eye roll.

"Hey!" Says George getting up, looking at Wilbur and Techno.

(Dream really be standing there like 🧍)

"Hey" Both respond.

A while later, around lunch time. There all sitting in the living room watching some TV. George, Dream, Wilbur, and Techno are sitting on the couch. Tommy and Tubbo sitting on the ground.

"Georrrrrge, I'm hungryyyyy." Tommy complaints. "Well what do you want to eat?" George asked. "Can we go out to eat?" Tubbo asked. "Sure, but where?" George asked. "There's a restaurant not to far from here, we could go there." Dream suggested. (Finally the man talk 🙄) "Yeah George, can we go there?" Tubbo asked. "Sure!" George says standing up.

After getting ready, they head out to the car. Dream in the driver's seat, George in the passenger, and the kids in the back, Tubbo sitting on Wilburs lap.

They get into the restaurant, and get seated. "George, I know this is asking for to much but, can we go to the beach after?" Tubbo asked shyly. "I mean sure, only if the others want to go." George says with a comforting smile, letting Tubbo know not to be shy to ask anything. "Sure we can go to the beach." Techno agreed. "Yeah! The beach!" Tommy says loudly. "Tommy lower your voice, alright?" George says. "Oh okay, sorry." Tommy says. "How do you do it man?" Wilbur asked. "How do I do want?" George looks at Wilbur with a confused look. "Get Tommy to listen to you." Wilbur answered. "I like George." Tommy jumps in with a smile. "That answers everything." Dream says. After Dreams comment, they laugh at that a bit.

The waiter comes over and takes they're order. They all get done with eating, Dream pays for the food. They head back to the house and get ready for the beach.

"Come on Tommy! Your taking forever!" Tubbo yells

"Hold on, I'm coming!" Tommy says heading downstairs.

"Finally!" Tubbo says heading out the door.

George giggles a bit, which made Dream smile. They all head into the car, same seating.

They get to the beach, find a spot, and settle down. Tommy and Tubbo but sun block on and rush down to the water. Later after that everyone else puts sun block on. "I'm going to get ice cream, do you think Tommy and Tubbo want?" George says standing up. "Of course they will want, just get them both chocolate." Techno answers. "Alright, what does everyone else want?" George asked. "I'll have a vanilla cone." Wilbur says. "I'll have a strawberry cup." Techno answers. "I'll have a chocolate cup." Dream says, smiling at George. George nods and walks over to get ice cream. "When are you gonna ask him?" Wilbur asked. "Hm? What do you mean" Dream says confused. "We know you like him." Techno answers. "What?" Dream says going red. "You know what, don't play dumb. When are you going to confess?" Wilbur says. Along with techno nodding. "Fine, alright you caught me. But I don't even know if he likes me back." Dream says all upset. "Wow, your really blind." Techno scoffs. "It's obvious that he likes you back." Wilbur adds. "I mean we did kiss-" Dream says coving his mouth. "Ooooo" Wilbur says making Techno  laugh. "Shut up." Dream says going red. "Well if you guys kissed, that's enough to know that he likes you back." Techno says with an eye roll but also smiling. "Ok but when do I confess?" Dream asked. "Today, after we all finished our ice cream, me and Techno will go play in the water with Tommy and Tubbo, leaving you two alone. Sounds like a plan?" Wilbur says. "Sure." Dream says.

George then comes back with the ice cream. "Can someone go get Tommy and tubbo?" George asked sitting down. "I'll go." Dream says getting up. Dream then walks over to Tubbo and Tommy, they come back and have they're ice cream. After they finished the ice cream, Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, and Techno go down to the water. Before they leave Wilbur winks and Dream, wishing him luck. It was now just Dream and George.

To be continued

Jk. Ha you thought!

They watch the kids go to the water. Dream then turns to face George. "Hi" Dream says with a smile. "Hi" George smiles back. "You look pretty" Dream says still smiling. "Thanks..." George says going red, looking down. Dream looks over to the water, seeing techno and Wilbur watching them. Techno gives him and nod, then Dream turns back to George. "Hey George." Dream says. "Hm?" George says looking up. "I um.. I like you, more then a friend." Dream says, going red. "Really?" George says smiling, going even more red. "Yeah." Dream says looking down. "Well lucky for you, I like you to. More then a friend." George says smiling. Dream then looks up. "So will you be my boyfriend?" Dream asked. "Yes, of course" George says with a smile.

Dream then get closer to George's face. "Can I?" Dream asked. George hums in response. Then there lips connected. "WOOOOOOO!!"Wilbur and Techno scream from a distance. Their kiss breaks into them smiling from Wilbur and Technos actions. George then giggles, making Dream smile even more.

Wilbur and Techno soon then come running over. "Wooo!! See we told you he likes you back!" Techno says cheering. "Yeah I guess ya did." Dream says giggling a bit.

Then they start packing up and get into the car. They get home, it's now 6:29. They eat dinner, then go to the living room to watch a movie. Tommy and Tubbo sitting on the side chair. Techno and Wilbur on one side of the couch. Dream on the other side with George snuggled next to him.


They get half way into the movie. The kids are sleeping already. George starts to fall asleep cuddling up against Dream. George and dream then soon fall asleep.


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