Beach day

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George and Dream wake up to Tommy screaming. "Tommy! You woke them up!" Phil says stomping up the stairs "Good morning, sorry about Tommy." Schlatt says as he finishes cooking breakfast "Sorry we fell asleep here." George apologizes "Don't apologize George me and Phil were expecting you two to fall asleep, we weren't expecting you guys to stay up till 3:42 in the morning." Schlatt says. "Oh my god! You got here at 3:42 at night! You guys must be exhausted! Here I'll finish cooking." George says getting up from the couch. "No George it's fine, do you know what time it is?" Schlatt asked "George, its 10:26" Dream says getting up from the couch and walking to the kitchen. "Yeah, me and phil woke up at 9:57, I think we've had enough sleep. Schlatt says as he places bacon on the table. "Oh! We were going to the beach today since me and Phil don't have work, would you like to come?" Schlatt asked. "Well sure, but me and Dream don't have our cloths with us." George says "Neither do me any Tubbo, so I guess we can stop by our houses and meet up at the beach." Schatt says "Oh, are you guys staying for breakfast?" Schlatt asked. "I mean if you don't mind?" George says nervously "Of course we don't mind, so I'll take that as a yes" Schlatt says

Schlatt calls everyone down for breakfast and they all sit and eat. Schlatt explains that George and Dream would be going to the beach with them. Tommy and Tubbo get excited. They finish breakfast get all their stuff together. Schlatt, Tubbo, George, and Dream go to get their stuff.

George and Dream get in George's car and start heading to Dreams house first. They get to Dreams house, Dream runs in and gets a bag full of his stuff. They then drive to George's house and George does the same.

After that, they meet up at the beach. They get to the beach and find Phil, Schlatt, and the kids. They get their stuff set up.

"Can we go into the water now!" Tommy says impatiently

"Tommy, you still need to put you sun block on." Phil says

"Ok. Fine." Tommy says putting his sun block on.

They all but their sun block. Tommy and Tubbo start running to the water, as for everyone else they just sat there talking.

"Oh, me and schlatt are going to get ice cream. Can one of you guys go down there and ask Tommy and Tubbo what they want?" Phil asked

"I'll go" Dream says getting up.

"Thank you, Clay, just meet us by the ice cream shop over there." Phil says

"Ok." Dream says walking to the water.

It's now, Wilbur, Techno, and George.

"You know George you were staring at Clays abs a lot." Wilbur says jokingly

"No I was not. Don't say that." George says rolling his eyes

"We know, we know, we were jus kidding." Techno and Wilbur say laughing.

Dream comes back with Tommy and Tubbo.

"Tommy, Tommy! Do you wanna build a sand castle?" Tubbo asked

"Fuck yeah!" Tommy shouts loud enough for Phil to hear

"TOMMY!" Phil screams form a distance

"Tommy, how about we don't use that language." George jumps in before Phil gets really mad.

"But why? Everyone else here is allowed to say it! But not me and Tubbo!" Tommy says in disappointment

"Because were older, and allowed to say it." George explains

"Ok, fine I won't say it again." Tommy says turning back to the sand castle

"How did you do that?!" Phil asked as he walks back with Dream and Schlatt.

"I don't know, i guess I'm just special" George says giggling

George's giggle made Dream smile.

They get their ice cream. While they eat it, George and Dream made eye contact, most of the time. While the other noticed but didn't say anything. They were just talking to each other.

They finish their ice cream, and start talking to each other. Tubbo and Tommy were whispering to each other.

"George! George!" Tubbo and Tommy say trying to get George's attention.

"Yeah?" George says

"Can you come play in the water with me and Tubbo?" Tommy asked as he and Tubbo stand up.

"Sure! I'll come play with you guys." George says standing up.

"Come on!" Tubbo says grabbing George's hand, dragging him to the water.

"You know you and George made eye contact for a very long time." Wilbur teased.

"We have?" Dream asked.

"Yeah." Schlatt jumps in.

"Oh, I didn't even notice." Dream says knowing that he noticed

"Is anything going on between you guys?" Phil asked

"No, we've only known each other for about a week." Dream answered

"Only a week?" Schlatt says.

"That's long enough to catch feelings for someone." Techno says cutting Schlatt off

"I mean you were staring at him in the ice cream shop for a long time the day you've met." Wilbur adds.

Redness starts to form on Dreams cheeks.

"I'm going to check up on them." Dream says getting up and walking to the water, avoiding the statement.

A while later they start to get going. It's getting late. The says their goodbyes and start heading home. George drops Dream off and heads home himself.

Georg gets home. He goes to stream. He streams for a couple hours. It's now 9:35. He decided to end the stream. He says his goodbyes and thank you's. Then he gets off and gets ready for bed then goes to bed.




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