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As days passed by, Emi found herself visiting the hospital much more often-especially since now there's more to visit. Kaneko seemed to progress pretty well, he's getting much better day by day. While Aizawa? He got his ups and downs. Someday when he can stay hours without the breathing mask they'd spend it talking to each other or watch a movie. While some other day, the doctors would put him under as his disease gave him horrible time breathing.

"Is this really your day off or are you just making excuses to see me?" Aizawa uttered teasingly, almost in a flirting way. Emi squinted her eyes, "Do you not want me here? I've got another boy to look after." Aizawa chuckled-he could say that seeing Emi is the only thing he's looking forward of. "You're seeing another boy behind my back, Fukukado?" he teased, "I'm hurt." Emi giggled-she's eventually gotten used to seeing this side of Aizawa-the side she didn't knew exist back then when they were full-time pro-heroes spending most days together as their agencies formed a good relation with each other. 

Today they're going to watch a movie together. "Are you sure you want me to pick?" asked Emi to the pale figure laying on the hospital bed. Aizawa nodded as he showed a faint smile. "Okay then, your call," Emi replied as she tried to pick a movie.

She wanted to pick 'The Fault in Our Stars'-her all time favorite-but thought it wouldn't be wise watching it with someone with actual lung disease. So she picked a random comedy series instead.

The first episode was coming to an end as Aizawa gripped Emi's wrist so tight it might hurt her. As she immediately turned to him, Emi stood straight up as her eyes caught Aizawa's eyes widen as he struggle on top of his lungs.


"I-I can't b-breathe," he stuttered as his grip only gets tighter. By then Emi already pressed the emergency button calling the doctor/nurse to come right away, so she startled as she held Aizawa's other hand-encouraging-as her eyes got teary. "Emi, I g-got this," he stuttered faintly. 

"I know, I know."

It doesn't take much time for the doctors to rush in-although to her, it felt like forever. A doctor said to a nurse, "put him under," which the nurse obeyed right away. The nurse injected something to his vein which cause him to start loosing his consciousness.

"E-Emi, are you going?" Aizawa faintly muttered as he slowly close his eyes. Aizawa's grip on Emi's wrist starts to loose by time, so she held his hand instead. As the nurse proceed to put him on a ventilator, the doctor patted Emi's tensed shoulder, "He'll be alright by now, Emi."

Dr. Itsuki. After all the time she spent on the hospital, she bonded well with the staff too. Emi faintly nodded as the doctor said, "We'll run some check-up on his progress." Those words sounds too common for it to mean any 'hope'. Emi knew ILD isn't curable-and in Aizawa's case, almost insurmountable. 

Emi sat on a chair beside his bed as she held his hand to the level of her eyes. 

"You know this doesn't have to be your last mission," Aizawa uttered as they watched a villain walk out of a shopping center from the rooftop. Emi faintly smiled, "I've made up my mind." Aizawa sighed. "Let's make this worth it," she uttered, "Won't be fun ending a career with lousy failure." 

Emi jumped to Aizawa's back excitedly. He swing them down with his binding cloth attached to a pole close enough to where the villain is standing. As they reached down Emi took a deep breath struggling with the instant change of speed. Aizawa rolled his eyes, "Can't you keep your head up? A villain is literally standing right there."

Emi giggled as the villain stalled not knowing what on earth is happening. "Jackpot!" Emi shouted as she instantly grabbed the villain's arm causing him to startle. "See, a good win on a good day, I didn't even use my quirk," she uttered facing Aizawa who is standing behind her. The villain squinted his eyes confused as if saying 'Is this really how you treat villains?' Aizawa slashed his binding cloth to hit the villain right on the head as he notice him attempting an escape plan. 

"Bad villain!" shouted Emi as she kicked the villain on the leg causing him to fall to the ground. Aizawa rolled his eyes. "See," she grinned, "totally worth it!"

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