evil ( invincible )

682 7 1

( Transylvania's jungle )

( everything was burning down and y/n was looking in Dennis scared eyes while lily was down )

( everything was burning down and y/n was looking in Dennis scared eyes while lily was down )

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Dennis : why dad ? why are doing this ?

y/n : Dennis we need to talk ...

( Dennis punched y/n face )

Dennis : wake up someone is controling you .

y/n : please Dennis let me go , I'm sorry but it's me Dennis , I'm a criminal *sigh* let me explain you in a better way i have told you when i was born there was a prophecy about someone who will bring down the whole soul society down , and with my amazing power i was the one who can do it , but i wasn't ready for this job , so i needed a trigger something that motivate me to destroy this world and make a new one out of ashes , so after tokinada killed your aunt it was me who wanted to take revenge from that snake bastard and it made me to create an army to control a place like soul society , i planned evry possiblity but at the end a mare human stopped me and i went to prison for 3 years after that i thought i wasn't the person of prophecy , i calmed down for a while after 3 years shunsui come to get help from me

y/n : please Dennis let me go , I'm sorry but it's me Dennis , I'm a criminal *sigh* let me explain you in a better way i have told you when i was born there was a prophecy about someone who will bring down the whole soul society down , and with m...

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y/n : i accept to help them because i didn't want to let soul society be in a hand of a animal like yhwach , after me and ichigo killed yhwach i fall into this world and start to living as a normal person and getting married and having babies , i thought i can have a normal life , but i was wrong until tokinada got in my way again , he made me remember what was my fate and now i want you to join me and take the throne after me .

Dennis : dad , WHAT THRONE ?????? you killed grandpa all of hotel Monsters are scared of you the whole soul society is burning down , lily is dying from pain .... you know what , take this * he tried to punch y/n again *

y/n : what a pity choice * he grabs his son arm and cut his hand *

Dennis : ahhh * screaming in pain *

y/n : pls we are immortal it's not even that bad .....

( y/n felt two normal soul reaper are trying to kill him )

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