chapter v : it's party time

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(you and mavis go on hotel roof )

Y/n : wow it's vary amazing , you really enjoy yourself .

Mavis : you right dear .... I mean y/n " her face become red "

Y/n : it's time of sunshine you must see it
it's really impressive .

Mavis : i can't you know I am vampire

Y/n : silly me I have an idea for you .

Y/n : bakudo 81 : dnako

(Example to know what is Danko)

Mavis : holy rabies  how did you that !

Y/n : because I'm y/n ..

Mavis : try not to be so cool  , Yes you are , wow it's vary shiny and Beautiful

Y/n : I'm sorry but being cool is my middle name  , and i wanted to say that i..

( it was that moment that he knows , he fucked up )

Meanwhile in sauna of hotel :

Mummy : ahh my mans we gonna have
so much fun tonight with this party.

Werewolf : yup your right my pal with y/n with us tonight we Make hotel shake like earthquake .

Dracula : I don't think y/n would be in hotel anymore he left us .

Frankenstein : what do you mean he left ? he is our best man For party.

Dracula : guys guys don't worry his kind have no fun in hotelParties .

Mummy : drac what is your problem with my kind huh ? do you mean I'm so lame to you ?

Dracula : no mummy no I don't mean race i mean boys with Brown hair.

Griffin : excuse me I have brown hair too

Dracula : how should I know that

( Before anything happen in sauna monsters hear scream fromUp and then you fall in hand of Dracula )

Y/n : hi dracy.

Frankenstein : look like he changed his mind .

Time skip to party room :

(It was morning bad time of Dracula but he was in party room
With you )

Dracula : I don't understand why you still here you are vary , Out of mind , ok drac calm down you must calm down , all
Right listen , y/n I want you to use your special power to Arrange the tables .

Y/n with sweat : drac I fight with  person how could see future but I don't remember I have power for Arrange the tables.

Dracula : I Doubt about that so now go stay in corner and close Your mouth .

y/n : hey I'm adult and you can't talk like kids to me .

( Dracula tried to control y/n and put him
on corner , but nothing worked )

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