chapter ll : welcome soul reaper

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( y/n finally find the tourists skeletons
he actually find the hotel that was hide
for humans for years , he thought it's
huge hotel and nice view , in that time
Dracula notice her daughter was back
from her trip into the humans world, so
he's going to visit her in her room )

Dracula : ahh dear mavy~ can I come in .

Mavis : come in dad door is open .

Dracula : why have sad face my moon
light ?

Mavis : it wasn't that good that i
should've be .

Dracula : what do you mean ?

Mavis : I think they never like us they
wanted me to get lost and Hurt me with
fire and they were actually so close but...

Dracula in his mind : "fire was not in
plan idiot zombies , i should have told them before going there "

Mavis : a boy with brown hair saved me
and i asked him to come to our hotel for

Dracula : oh really ? what was he's kind ?
stein or werewolf ?

mavis : he said he's a soul reaper i don't
know what it is , but he was super cut...
i mean cool , do you know anything
about soul reapers ?

Dracula : i think your Grampa vlad know
he had a soul reaper friend vary long ago

mavis : oh so sad he isn't here .

(Dracula smiled and hug her daughter )

Dracula : ok now sweetie I must get back
to work so if that boy come over here i
would really like to talk to him

Mavis : of course , but maybe it's better
i show him the hotel , he can spend time
with a person in his age .

Dracula : i know you like the new kinds
so much but you know i don't  like you hang out with boys .

Mavis : of course that's why i don't have
that many friends , all run because of
you .

Dracula : and can you tell me how
actually he saved you from that village?

mavis : i was down on ground than he
jump in front me and said " hado number90 " and than boom everything around us below up.

Dracula in his mind : " my zombies and village 😨😱"   ah yes vary cool boy I
hope I can meet him in person vary
soon . Where is he now ?

Mavis : I don't know he should be here
any minute now if you ..... dad did you turn on the pumpkin lord again ?

Dracula : he's the protecter of jungle of
course i did .

mavis : aghhh , i hope he get out alive .

Dracula : don't worry of he can save you like that he can get out of there with no problem at all .

mavis : i think you right maybe we can
ask him to join our party ?

Dracula : ok dear we can talk more about
this later , so goodbye for now .

Mavis : goodbye I just going to visit aunt

Dracula : ok .

(Later... In lobby of hotel)

Dracula : iam so sorry for your lost all
my dear zombies it was alla big accident
so I pay you all later for this mess .

Griffin : hey big man what's up ?

Dracula : Griff have ever heard about
soul reapers ?

Griffin : those peoples with black
kimono and a big sword on their back ?

Dracula : mavis said she saw one of them
in jungle .

Griffin : really ?! i thought their world is
in another dimension away from us .

Dracula : that's why i called you , you are
the  smartest here .

Griffin : yeah guess you right , I'm going
to musician room , if you want to visit the rest of group come over there.

Dracula : all rights you guys go I'll join
you later.

(Now he was talking to his customers then he saw his the most

worst nightmare

y/n : finally i found the place

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y/n : finally i found the place .


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