chapter lll: meet hotel

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Dracula : oh god , it's a human !!!

( Then Dracula use his super speed to
take you to Empty room)

Y/n : hmm ... incredible you just teleport
us here in just a few seconds .

Dracula : why are you here and what do
you ...... wait are you that guy she talks
about ?

Y/n : that girl ? you mean that vampi girl
is your daughter ? yeah i saved her and
she told me I can come over here and
drink a cup of tea .

Dracula : you really did ? * he was
surprised that a human could save a
vampire * and how exactly you done
that human ?

Y/n : aghh i told that girl and now you
I'm not a complete human , I'm a being
between so many kinds like , soul reaper
and hollow and gods and humans .

Dracula : and you are all of them in the
same time ? i thought you are just human-soulreaper.

y/n : yeah let me show you a little trick.

(Than he use hado 81 danco , to make
little energy wall )

Y/n : Bakudō .81 Dankū

Dracula : impressive , you are a magical
boy ?

Y/n : what is wrong with you guys ? i
said I'm a soul reaper and hollow and
god .

Dracula : now that explain why my town
and zombies got destroyed .

Y/n : and a little question come up in my
mind , why you didn't save that girl
when you were there ?

Dracula : well it's a secret that you don't need to know , but if you like stay
here we need to do some changes like
what's up with these bandages ?

Y/n : well i have some secrets too , but
these bandages can hold my powers
around me .

Dracula : ok now you must have make up
to be like one of us , do you like to be
like a mummy?

( Than after some Minutes you and

Dracula come out with your New look )

Dracula come out with your New look )

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Y/n : it's just more bandages

Dracula : I know but it make you more
like mummy .

Y/n : what you must call me now? y/n the

Dracula : yes yes vary funny, look, as long
as you are here you Must know some
rules about yourself , number one never
get close To my head Chef quasimodo
his rat can smell human vary good
And number two you can have job here
in hotel Transylvania And because I saw
you have power you can be one of hotel
guard .

y/n : wow after being god , now i have to
be a guard .

(And after that Dracula turn to bat and
gone )

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