chapter one ( welcome to hotel)

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( in the darkest frost of planet earth
y/n fall down from a portal and stand up,
y/n find his way by putting a fire spell
on ground , he wasn't scare of stuffs like
heads on trees or ghosts , he wasn't sure
why they are in this place )

Y/n : what the hell is this place ? am I
teleported to another dimension ?

( he was lost in thoughts than he feels a
strange powers from a near place , he
wasn't sure why this power was this
much high , it's really like a 100 people
in one person , this situation made y/n
motivated to find the answer )

Y/n : good I think it's not going be boring
so much , i feel like I've become a little younger .

(Then he flash step near the village )

"In village"

Mavis : i am sorry I was just here to see
humans world.

( y/n find the place , it was not a simple
village but so simple for this age , than
he saw a girl in black clothes and a
man in the same colour clothes but
hiding behind a house )

Y/n : that girl and that man , there is
something odd about them , they aren't
humans , maybe a monster kind , yes
monsters are only kind who have that
much powers . ...

(Before y/n could end his words he saw
zombies are getting so close to her
and the other monster have leave the
place , he had to do something , so he
flsah step close to her to stop them )

Mavis: no please don't hurt me I ...

(Then she saw a boy with black bandages
all over his body even one his eyes was
blocked by the ropes , but his hair was
brown )

Y/n : Bakudo number 61-Rikujokoro

(The bakudo take all zombies bodies )

Y/n : ...and now hado 90 Kurohitsugi

(Skip to 0:10)

(Y/n destroy all zombies and then turn his face to see Mavis )

Y/n : hello monster girl , are you ok ? I'm
lord .....ummm are you okay ?

(Mavis was Shocked she was about to get
hurt by humans and than another
human kill his own kind to help her )

Mavis with blush : wow , that was
awesome , i saw just the most mind blowing thing that ever exist , you are a magical old man ?

y/n : well not actually like that and I'm not old man .

mavis : oh sorry because i thought only old people are that much strong , anyway that was cool , but you are not human right ?

y/n : * he stab himself in heart and
nothing happened * what you think ?

mavis : well , you could say that just by
words , not really showing like that ,well if you want to drink anything or a place to sleep , you can come to my dad's hotel , thanks and Goodbye .

( Then she turn to her bat form and go )

Y/n : interesting and amazing , if my dad
zaraki kenpachi was here he wouldn't
stop making wife jokes for me .

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