chapter iv : sing and play

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Dracula : well let's go

Y/n : all right .

(After some walks in tunnels Dracula get

Dracula : I don't understand why this
place has become so strange to me I have
been here for so many years .

Y/n : look like your getting old drac

Dracula : all right , laugh how much you
like and about your age , it was real ?

y/n : yeah , soul reapers ages work
really weird , my grandfather age is 1000
years old but he looks like a 3000 old guy.

Dracula : hmm okay .

(Y/n and Dracula enter one of tunnels )

Dracula : let's open this one .

(Door open than they saw to little bug
are well .... making their next generation)

Dracula :oh I'm so sorry for coming in
bad time.

(Then they go to another tunnel)

Dracula : I think this the one we need.

(Door open than they saw a female
skeleton is in bathroom)

Female skeleton : *SCREAM*

Dracula : we are so sorry .

Male skeleton : what the hell is your
problem  , huh ??!!

(Then male skeleton throw something on
Dracula face )

(We start walking down on some stairs
and before y/n  notice he fall down from
stairs )

Y/n : oh shit I'm gonna die *scream * oh
wait I can fly .

Dracula : you are not a clown you are the entire  Circus , now  let's go .

(We saw another door wall and drac

Dracula : finally this is the door we
should go .

( But then we some big destruction in
room the mummy and wereWolf and
Frankenstein beating some zombies )

Y/n : god if dad was here he would
love this mess and now i understand why
you peoples call themselves monsters

Dracula : OMG ,  look y/n stay here until I
come back .

( And then Dracula go to talk his friends
and when y/n was Enjoying the show
Dracula daughter comes behind y/n )

Mavis : hey magic boy .

Y/n : you guys have really big problem
with my real name right ?

Mavis :  y/n is cool but magic boy is cute

Y/n * blush * ah thanks , hey I didn't had
time to ask your name .

Mavis : oh your right my name is Mavis
the Dracula .

Y/n : it's cute name too for a vampire

Mavis : thanks my mother choose this
name for me .

Y/n : your mother is so smart in choosing
name .

Mavis : yes you right , hey let's go and
meet my uncles .

Y/n : but your dad whoo...

(Before y/n could say anything she take
hsi hand and took him into the Room )

Frankenstein : oh hi Mavis who is this ?

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