chapter vii: back to prison?

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? : He's not human he is soul reaper

(Out of door 5 person with weird clothes show up )

Dracula : how are you ?

? : We are royal gurd ...

? : We are royal gurd

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The zero squad !

Frankenstein : no, more human coming

? : Human ? No Mr Frankenstein we are soul reaper we are like

You in our universe monster in human world like you and soul

Reaper in human world like us

Mummy : peww

Dracula : now what is your business here ?

? : We came for him (show y/n )

Mavis : what why ?

?: He is traitor to his kind in our world

Dracula : y/n what he is saying ?

Y/n : drac in time any person could choose wrong way and I do

Too I fight with my kind to take revenge from my family killer

See you lie to your daughter and I lie to my kind

? : Enough spikes now y/n sit on chair to ...

Mavis : I won't let you take y/n away

Y/n : mavis please ...

Mavis : no y/n I don't care what do you do in past I just know

Your not a bad guy because the bad guy never save my life for

No reason the bad guy never sing for my birthday the bad guy

Never can love anyone but you did you Loved me right

Y/n : I .. I do love you mavis Dracula

( Y/n see Mavis start to make tear in her eyes he feel guilty and

Than )

?: You know y/n if this girl didn't say those words I still thought

You are just that person we know but now I see you have change

I don't know how but you did or maybe answer is love

( Y/n saw zero squad start going out but before go the bald one

Said )

? : Ms Mavis we want to give you our gift from soul king and

Soul reapers and it's vary special for you and y/n and it's to

Y/n can come back to soul society and be Capitan of his squad


Mavis with tear in her eyes : does that mean he can't come back

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