old Halloween

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lily : have you ever wonder what kind of

Halloween  our parents had ?

Dennis : maybe we can ask that from

themselves ?

[ Dr mayuri showed up between

siblings ]

mayuri : maybe i can help you two about

it .

lily : and how you gonna do that

capitan ?

mayuri : well kid , im  a genius and for

likes of us there is no prob to solve and

now for your problem i say ....... let's do a

time travel

dennis : whaat ? how can we do that ?

mayuri : just say the time you guys like

to  travel , rest is my job .

lily : 13 years ago hotel Transylvania .

mayuri : done ( he send them back in

time in 2009 ) well i shoud do something

about the second timeline that they

going to meet .

[ year 2009 dracula hotel ]

lily : look its grandpa's castle .

dennis : but why i don't feel his power ? i

can just feel mom and

3 other monster beside her .

lily : look they are over there its mom .

[ they saw mavis and hank and wendy

and pedro are getting close to

Cartwright home ]

hank : guys i think we still have time to

get back to hotel .

mavis ; come on hank we just wanna

know what human doing

in this night of halloween , and beside

there is no human to hurt us .

[ sibilings come beside of their future

mommy ]

lily : yes she's right ... but why do you

guys fear from humans?

{ the moster group just turned their

faces than they saw two little human

look child , hank scream and jump on

pedro's hands }

hank : h..h....human

dennis : whaat ? huaman ?

mavis : guys chill , i don't think this two

little demons are human they look

diffrent ...

lily : yes mommy is right look i have

fangs .

wendy : oh she's right they have

fangs ........wait ? you said "mom"

aizen Male reader x hotel TransylvaniaWhere stories live. Discover now