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A hiss, something sliding open, and a thud have me opening my eyes to glimpse the scene in front of me. I fumble around for my phone quietly and when I manage to grab it, I open the flash to illuminate the culprit stealing me from my dreams.

She shrieks and drops the bag she was holding, hands immediately raising in surrender. "Shit."

I groan and rub a hand over my face, trying to get rid of the momentary blurriness of my eyes. "It's like two am, idiot. Where are you going?"

"To the park," she says simply and bends down to retrieve her bag. "I would've waked you but you looked tired."

I stretch and glance at her figure silhouetted against the windowsill. The only light in my room is the flash, angled against half of her face. I can see her shoulder-length brown hair, the tips of it dyed an aquamarine blue. Her freckles stand out amongst the moon, sloping down the soft angle of her nose. Her green eyes, glinting with the light from the phone, cast me a tired glance.

"Hold on," I threw the covers off and stared down at my fuzzy Rudolph the reindeer pajama pants. "I'm coming with you."

I bent down on one knee and stuck a hand blindly under my bed, my hand grasped an article of clothing, and I pulled it out. It was a bra. Throwing it back inside, I reached around again until I felt a piece of material and pulled out a random shirt. I smelled it and shrugged before pulling it over my tank top.

"Alright," I sighed. "Let's go."

She smiled and pulled the window open, sliding out with me right after her.

We tiptoed our way through the grassy lawn of the house, giggling quietly to ourselves when I tripped multiple times. Our feet hit the pavement of the street and we followed a path we had cut many times before, talking in whispers about random things.

After about twenty minutes of walking down the sidewalk, we reached another house and cut through the lawn to the backside. A window on the second floor to the right of the huge wall was our target and we didn't waste time as we started gathering up tiny pebbles.

God knew Brandon was a heavy sleeper.

"I get first shot," she said, aiming a pebble at the window.

I snorted, "go ahead and get your loverboy, Juliet."

She glared but threw the pebble, it hit the glass with a clink against the silence of the night air, and we traded grins as we started assaulting the window until finally it was getting pulled up by slender hands.

"Psst, Romeo," I whisper yelled as he finally got the window open. I knew we had woken him up successfully but that didn't stop me from throwing one last pebble, hitting the top of his head. He swore and ducked his head. "Get your fat ass down here."

He flipped me off with a flat look but that instantly changed as he glimpsed the wave she sent his way, the smile on her face at his sleepy look.

From there it was also like clockwork, Brandon slipped back inside and pulled on a different shirt and shorts, as me and her went into the shed to grab the six-foot ladder. We planted it under his window and he slithered through the opening before starting to climb down.

Halfway there I made sure to give the ladder a little shake that had him shrieking like a little girl before scowling down at me.

"Shh," she hissed, even through her laughter.

"Hey, sunshine," his voice was still sleep-muddled as he greeted her with a chaste kiss on the lips, hands cupping her cheeks quickly. When he pulled away she had a silly lovesick grin on her face.

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