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"Hey, your roots are blonde!" Lilah chirps.

I thud my head against the locker door.

I had stayed at Uncle Bobs till twelve am and when I had headed back home my parents were still out; probably getting drunk with their work friends. I had fallen asleep quickly, tired out of my mind and when I woke up they had already left. Not even a note this time.

I had only realized I was on my period when I had to jump out of bed and practically dive into the bathroom to vomit. From there it was a mix of being angry at the world for giving me such horrible periods and crying that I had gotten it.

"Oh no," Lilah's hand raised to my forehead and she quickly felt for any heat. "Not sick so period?"

"I want to die," I groan.

"Whos dying?" Nicks's voice rang in my ear but I was still thudding my head against the locker door. If I hit it hard enough, the pain would go away. Or I'd blackout. Which was a win-win situation in my opinion.

A hand slid between my head and the locker and I almost sighed at the warm skin. It soothed the hammering. For a moment.

"Er—you ok, clumsy?"

I grit my teeth and turned to Nick, "do I look like I'm ok?"

"Eh," Lilah shrugged. "You've had worse days."

I rubbed my hand over my face, done with the both of them. "Leave me alone. Your voices hurt."

"Liz," Delilah scolds. "You know your not supposed to come to school on the first day. Last time you fainted! We had to take you to a goddamm ER."

My stomach hollowed out for a moment and then I felt knives prodding me. "I would like to graduate, Lilah. I can't afford any more absences."

"What is going on?" Nick asks, looking between the both of us.

"Jesus Christ, Nick." I throw my hands up, angry. "I'm on my fucking period."

"Oh," he blinks, not the least bit surprised or even embarrassed. "Do you want me to take you home?"

"Please do," Lilah shoves me into his chest and I stumble, hands immediately latching on to his shoulder. Nick's hands steady my waist but I don't even have time to thank the gesture because nausea overwhelms me.

"Shit," is all I can manage to say before pushing Nick away and sprinting to the bathroom. I slam the door to one of the stalls open and barely make it to the toilet before vomiting my guts out. A door slams behind me and then Lilah is holding my hair back as I gag into the toilet.

She grabs some tissues and hands them to me; I wipe my mouth with them, trying not to retch at the taste in my mouth. I felt like crying all of a sudden.

"Shh," Delilah hushes me smoothing my hair back and tying it into a ponytail. "Come on. You're going home."

I nod and get up, feeling drained, and go to the sinks to wash my face and mouth. I pat my face with a paper towel and walk out to where Lilah was conversing with Nick. I lean against the locker and stuff a piece of gum in my mouth, trying to get rid of the taste of vomit before I throw up again.

"Hey," Lilah snaps my attention to her. "I have a bio quiz so I cant take you home but Nick will. Alex and I will stop by later ok?" To be honest, that was for the better ... Lilah tended to go full-on mama bear whenever anyone was in need of caring and it was kind of scary.

Once she had forced me to drink six cups of honey and lemon and almost tied me to the chair until I finished.

"Come on, clumsy." Nick slung a hand around my shoulder, passing me a half-hearted smile.

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