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Requested by: cloudless_cacti
Enjoy my friends U.U

(Jake POV)
"Bye guys, I gotta give to rehearsal!" I left the table, and walked into the music room, for once there wasn't arguing when I walk in, or singing! "There's Jake, you're earlier than usual!" "Oh, shut up Hailey!" I hated when people tease me for being late to rehearsals, it sucks. "Okay everyone! Let's start practice, get in your places!"
~After Rehearsal~ (3rd person POV)
After Jake was done with rehearsal, he headed to his next class, it had his best friend Drew, and his other friends Henry and Liam there too. He had a seat next to Drew, which was nice, because their best friends, but it caused a lot of interruption for Mrs. Jones. "Okay class so..."

(Drew POV)
"Okay class so..." I was listening to Mrs. Jones lecture the class when I just felt like, super tired, and eventually fell asleep. I don't know why I was tired, I got good sleep last night, eh this just means I can skip the lecture, score! Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Drew, wake up man" I slowly opened my eyes and realised I had fallen asleep on Jake's shoulder! Ugh, great, now I'm gonna be as red as a cherry! "Uh- sorry for uh, sleeping on you." "It's no worries man, we're best friend's after all, right?" "Uh, yeah.."

(Jake POV)
Well Drew was acting strange, he doesn't usually stutter, or anything like that,  odd.
Oh well, "Why wee you so stuttery?" "Uh, w-was I?! Heh- n-no reason!" "Okay..?" He was stuttering, again? That's so unlike him, he's usually so confident when he speaks, oh well.

Sorry it doesn't have much an ending, I lost a bunch of motivation TwT

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