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The title is da ship name~Here is info on his crush: Name: Jackson Age: 16 Sexuality: Gay Pronouns: He/himFavorite color: Red Favorite food: Tacos

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The title is da ship name~
Here is info on his crush:
Name: Jackson
Age: 16
Sexuality: Gay
Pronouns: He/him
Favorite color: Red
Favorite food: Tacos

His introduction:
Uhm. Hello! I'm Jackson but most people call me Jack. I'm very proud of being gay, so stfu homophobic b*tches.
I now have a really good friend named Dax!
He told me he is trans, do I give a f*ck, no.
He is kinda adorable when he laughs- UHM I DIDN'T SAY THAT! Okay yes I did- I have a tiny crush that is growing bigger every time he smiles-
Y'all stfu if you talk to Dax about this 🔪.
Have a good day.

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