Look over here

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Y/N walked outside, trying to remember the trajectory of the needle like bullet of the rat.

"As nice as it was of Shido to heal me, I wished he left the window alone." Y/N said to himself. "Wonder how he is doing?"

With Shido

Don't look up don't look up! Shido thought in panic.

The man scanned the area where Shido was, carefully looking for any sign that someone was there. He stood up, pointed his gun upwards, and shot at Shido.

"Crazy Diamond!" Shido cried out.

"DORA!" Crazy Diamond yelled as it punched the bullet into pieces.



Crazy Diamond's fist missed the bullet, Shido didn't know how to describe it but the action he remembered doing seemingly didn't happen. The bullet was still whole and still going towards Shido, with no time to react. A hole was punched into Shido's hand, causing him to let go and fall ground.

Shido yelled in pain, groveling in the ground, holding his hand close as the drew closer. To try to ease the pain and to make it disappear, Shido tried to heal himself to no avail.

So that's the limit of Crazy Diamond, I can't heal or restore myself! Shido thought. This is bad, this is bad!

With Y/N

"A gunshot?"

Y/N turned to the direction of the barn where he heard the sound.

"It didn't sound as it were rat though so a human?" Y/N said to himself. "And why am I closer to the barn? Maybe a Stand user, I better check on Shido!"

Y/N ran towards the barn, ignoring the rat when...

"Kocchi wo miro."

"OH SHIT, ZA WARUDO!" Y/N yelled out as he stopped time. "...knew it, it is Killer Queen's 2nd bomb, Sheer Heart Attack."

"MUDA!" Za Warudo yelled as it punched the small sub Stand

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"MUDA!" Za Warudo yelled as it punched the small sub Stand.

"All I really need is to keep it away from me, and stay calm, however, I am not equipped to stop it." Y/N said.


"Toki wo ugokidasu." Y/N said.

Sheer Heart Attack went flying, multiple dents and cracks on it's armor, but Y/N knew this wouldn't harm the user.

With Killer Queen's user 10km away

"Hoho, I like this Stand." a female said. "It just got hit multiple and times and I still didn't take much damage."

A phone rang and the girl picked it up.

'Got the boy, he has a stand but he seems to have gotten it recently so i doubt he can us it effectively.' A male voice said.

"Alright, I got the main threat busy over here so you should make your escape Ringo." The girl said.

'Alright, once I have the boy fully subdued, you shall make your move and take him while I go and have a duel.' Ringo said.

"Sheer Heart Attack doesn't have any weaknesses so you probably won't get that duel." The girl said.

'Don't have too much confidence, the stand won't protect you since it is not yours, Pucci told you that.' Ringo warned. 'You also have the same problem as this boy here.'

"Yeah yeah, but I can call on my fellow clones." The girl said.

'Sure, but the stand disc will need to be retrieved if you die Kurumi.' Ringo said. 'That Stand was capable of easily injuring Valentine.'

"Hai hai, I know, but remember I am just a clone." The Kurumi clone said.

Date a Bizarre Adventurer (stand user reader in Date a Live)Where stories live. Discover now