Another Stan- I mean Spirit

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Rain, why the hell did it have to be rain. Y/N thought as he ran alongside Shido.

Then, Shido stopped to look at a shrine.

"Hey, what's the hold up, we don't got all day." Y/N said.


Shido was cut off by the sound of a splash in front of them. They both turned to see a young girl with a rabbit puppet in her hand. She was wearing a green rabbit-themed coat with a few glowing parts.

Spirit, and a young looking one at that, wait do Spirits age differently. Y/N thought.

The girl had jumped onto a puddle but the muddy bottom caused her to slip. Thinking fast, Shido rushed in and brought out Crazy Diamond to catch her. He then attempted to straighten the girl up but received a slap to the face.

The pain and mark of the slap reflected on to Shido, causing him to stumble a bit while the girl scurried up against a tree. A three of them stood looking at each other for a will, the rain not letting up it's assault.

"P-p-please...don't h-hurt me." The girl said.

The two boys looked at her in confusion.

Diavolo: Kingu Cri-

A/N: Not this time bitch

*shoots Diavolo to death*

"We're home!" Shido announced as Y/N and he walked inside. "Might as well take a bath."

"About that, Shido I suggest you knock on the door before you get ready." Y/N suggested.

"Why?" Shido asked.

"You'll thank me later." Y/N responded.

Odd. Shido thought.

As he approached the door that lead to the laundry room that also had a shower, Shido decided to take Y/N's advice. He knocked loudly at the door, making sure that if anyone was using the shower they would hear it.

"Umm, who is it?" A familiar feminine voice asked.

Shido froze, had he not knocked he probably would have gotten a nasty encounter.

"It's me." Shido answered.

"Sh-Sh-Shido, don't come in!" The voice cried out.


Shido then walked off to wait for the shower to be available.

With Y/N

'You idiot, that was supposed to be a training experience for Shido!' Kotori shouted through the earpiece.

"Why need to learn how to deal with it when you can avoid it in the first place." Y/N responded.

'You smartass!' Kotori shouted.

Y/N just chuckled.

"Oh, by the way, have you picked up any signs of a Spirit's appearance?" Y/N asked.

'No, why?' Kotori asked.

"Because a Spirit just appeared and vanished in front of me and Shido." Y/N explained.

'So another silent appearance, quite interesting, can you give a description?' Kotori asked.

"She had a lot of rabbit themed stuff." Y/N responded.

"Then it's Hermit."

"Do we tell Shido?" Y/N asked.

'No, there is no point in bringing it up.' Kotori answered.


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