Shine On You Crazy Diamond

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Tohka drew Sandalphon from its throne, before turning around and cutting the throne in half. The pieces of the throne merged with the broadsword to create a larger sword.

 The pieces of the throne merged with the broadsword to create a larger sword

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She turned to the direction the bullet and the arrow were shot from. She then swung the sword which created a gigantic energy slash that created a small ravine.

With Y/N

"Ugh, my head." Y/N said as he got up.

He held the hole in his head to prevent further bleeding. The earpiece vibrated loudly like a phone on vibrate on a hard surface. He reached over and answered the call.

'Y/N, WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!?' Kotori yelled into the earpiece.

"Saving Shido from a bullet, thanks how about you." Y/N answered in a sarcastic way.

'How exactly did you survive, Reine said you probably used your Stand to make more space in your head!' Kotori yelled.

"That is incorrect, I used my Stand Za Warudo, to deflect the bullet, which nearly penetrated my skull and hit Shido's shoulder, and my hat is made to stop 45 caliber bullets but not 50 caliber so my hat slowed it down a bit." Y/N explained. "The only thing I didn't anticipate was the arrow striking Shido, his will to fix me must have been very strong at the time, but due to his non-combative life-style or need to have a fighting spirit I doubt he'll make it...fuck."

'I wouldn't worry about that.' Kotori said.

"HOW, Shido is probably dead by now look-" Y/N yelled as he turned to see the body.

Y/N stopped in his ramblings when he saw wounds on Shido being healed by a flame.

'There it is.'

The flame finished healing Shido but it didn't go out when he woke up. He looked around in confusion before noticing the flame and panicking to put it out. In his panic, a muscular man with pink skin and blue armor emerged from behind Shido.

 In his panic, a muscular man with pink skin and blue armor emerged from behind Shido

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(A/N: The images I use aren't mine please don't sue me)

"And there it is." Y/N commented.

The Stand patted away at the flame and in the process fixed the jacket Shido was wearing.

"What the hell, who are you?" Shido asked the muscular figure.

"That's not a person Shido, it's a Stand but to be more specific, your Stand." Y/N answered.

"Huh, Y/N, YOU'RE STILL ALIVE AND JESUS YOU'RE BLEEDING!" Shido shouted in surprise.

"Yes, I am!" Y/N exclaimed. "But seriously, I am going to name your Stand before you have to save Tohka, from now on it shall be known as Crazy Diamond!"

Then Shido disappeared as he was teleported. 

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