A Terrible Day for Rain

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"What mask?" A crew member asked.

So the mask is a Stand. Y/N thought.

"Are you talking about that man?" Shido asked, pointing at the same man Y/N pointed out.

"Yeah, it's a Stand." Y/N answered.

"A Stand user in the AST, never heard of that ever happening." Kotori calmly said.

"Kotori, I will go down there with Shido." Y/N declared.

Kotori glared at him.

"Are you stupid, you got lucky the last time and now a Stand user in the AST, I will not allow it!" Kotori exclaimed.

"I wasn't asking, let's go Shido." Y/N said as he began walking.

"Um, sure." Shido said.

"Wait, you don't even know what he is capable of!" Kotori yelled.

"That's why I will investigate, don't worry, I have been practicing a few things." Y/N said as he walked off.

Kotori let out a sigh and ruffled her hair in frustration.

"Send them both down." Kotori reluctantly ordered.

With both Shido and Y/N

"So why do you insist in investigating the Stand user?" Shido asked.

"Dio." Y/N simply said.

"Dio, who is Dio?" Shido asked.

"One of my different personalities, Dio was vicious, diabolical, had extremely little compassion in his soul, and upright evil." Y/N explained. "He currently has absolutely zero chances to come back as he is just a stand now but I need to get rid of the evil he has done in the 4 years of using my body."

"Really?!" Shido asked, visibly shaken.

"Yeah, let's go."

The arrived at the ground, near the Spirit.

"I'll use time stop to get you safety to where the Spirit is, once that's done I'll check it the Stand user to assess if he is a threat, has any attachments to Dio, or if he is completely harmless to us, understood." Y/N explained.

"Understood." Shido replied.

"Alright, let's start, ZA WARUDO!" Y/N shouted.

Time stopped, Y/N grabbed Shido and jumped towards the building Hermit was hiding using Za Warudo. Just about it was going to run out, Y/N brought out another Stand.


Time stopped before it could resume. Y/N placed Shido in position and went outside to search for the Stand user.

"Toki wo ugokidasu."

Time resumed, he had found him, the Stand user was walking on what seemed the rain drops to try to look for the Spirit.

Time resumed, he had found him, the Stand user was walking on what seemed the rain drops to try to look for the Spirit

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His ability is water based, how interesting.  Y/N processed.

"Hey, you there!" Y/N called out.

The man stopped and looked down at him, the empty eyes of the hockey mask meeting Y/N's.

"I have a few questions for you to answer." Y/N told the man.

The man looked at him with an analytical look on his face.

"Oh, you must be that one Stand user who attacked the AST on April 10th." The man stated. "So have you come to get in the way of eliminate the threat to humanity."

"I felt threatened so I had to do something." Y/N explained.

The man continued to stare at the boy, examining his body language to anticipate his next moves.

"So, why have you been sent?" Y/N asked.

"To eliminate the Spirit, as well as to find allies to combat the evil that is the Spirits while off duty." The Stand user said.

"And you're a Stand user." Y/N said.

"Yes and I assume you are one as well due to the nature of your question." The Stand user said.

"Your name?"

"Blackmore." He answered. "Would you like to join me on this task?"

"No." Y/N responded.

"I thought you would say that, you side with the devils unleashed on this world, I will have to eliminate you as well." Blackmore said.

"Very well then come." Y/N said as he brought out Silver Chariot.

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