Chapter Nineteen

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Ernouf's pov:

I was standing guard outside of the house. Amoux and Tasha were talking,laughing whilst I was deep in thought.

I felt someone lightly nudge my arm so I looked away from the ground.

" You know Tasha and I want to know how long you're planning on ignoring it." Amoux said casually.

" what is it that you feel I am ignoring exactly?" I addressed.

" oh nothing in particular. Just that fact that Alex is your mate."

I froze. What did he just say?

Trying to regain my composure I spoke, " That's absurd. I dont know where you got that idea from."  That's not the best response I could have given,but what's done is done.

"  Told you he'd deny it. Its obvious he ethier doesn't trust us or he's in denial. Pay up." Tasha said. Amoux reluctantly handed her money.

Ofcourse they made a bet. I had to restrain from rolling my eyes at their antics.

Thankfully they dropped the subject, but I know better than to think they wont bring it up later.

Tasha's words did get me to think. Should I keep ignoring the mate bond? Or should I act on it?

Jess's pov:

No.No.No. I could have said anything but that.

I mean I could have acted as if my friend was insane however she trusted me enough to tell me the truth. That's why I felt that I needed to do the same.

Alex made no effort to hide her shock.

" okay now you're giving me the silent treatment." I said.

" um. Yeah that definitely wasn't what I thought you'd say. Not trying to sound like I dont believe you,but I dont quite believe you." Said Alex.

I lifted my hand up. Closing my eyes I focused my magic solely on levitating the cup on the table.

I opened my eyes to see the cup slowly begin to rise. I couldn't help but smile. I rememberd practicing levitation for hours with no success.

I carefully brought the cup back down and turned to Alex. She wasn't as surprised when I told her I was a witch.

" I only have an hour so you better start explaining."

I told her how I used to live in the realm of witches and warlocks. Then my family made a decision to move into the human realm because they didnt agree with how the king declared war on the werewolves.

She patiently listened. When I finished she looked as though a question came into her mind.

" wait back when we were nine and it was our first day back to school Emily had a mission to make my life extremely difficult. Next day she comes in with a broken arm. You didn't do that did you?" She questioned.

I could see she already knew the answer but she needed verbal confirmation.

" yes I did. I didnt have much control back then. My parents found out though. I was grounded for 3 months."

I didnt regret it. Emily was a bitch.

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