chapter one

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A/N: Hi im new to wattpad and this is my first story the first chapter is pretty short but the rest will be longer. so if you are reading this enjoy.

I looked out of the window hoping to see the moon, but there was just too many clouds. It was 8:30pm and at 9pm there was going to be fireworks. Unfortunately, my parents were at work and I'm not allowed to go by myself. The fireworks are going to happen at the back of my house so there's no way to look at them from the window. And then I had an idea. Mum and dad don't come home until 10pm so why not climb out of the window and go to see the fireworks? Without a second thought I sprinted down the stairs(surprisingly without falling),put my coat on and very gracefully climbed out of the window. My house wasn't very tall so I was able to land safely on the ground.

The sky was pitch black and the air was freezing cold. I looked around making sure that my nosy neighbours weren't looking my way and started to walk. The only reason I knew where the fireworks would be was because my best friend jess told me . She was allowed to go with her friends to see them. Walking down the street I thought of reasons why my parents never let me go anywhere without them. I'm 17 and yet they treat me like a 10 year old. I know that I can be reckless and I don't think before I do, but they need to know that soon I'm going to move out and live my life the way I want to.

Before I could finish my rant I realised I took a wrong turn or maybe a lot of wrong turns seeing as that I've ended up near the woods and away from the fireworks. Well done Alex you lost focus on the task at hand and now you're paying the price for it. Maybe my parents are right I do need to be supervised everywhere I go if I cant even follow simple directions. I took my phone out hoping google maps can save the day, however my luck just gets better and better as there's no service here. Just before I could turn around and head for the houses that hopefully lead back into the village, i saw a glow in the woods. And it wasn't like flash light kind of glow it was almost illuminating and an unreal kind of glow. And what did my stupid ass decide to do?

I slowly made my way to the woods as if I was being compelled to. Little did I know by making that choice I risked everything and everyone I had.

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