Chapter Sixteen

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Alex's pov:

I was on my way back to my room after training. Turns out Ernouf had a machine that shot tennis balls at me. He said he got the idea from a movie. After that he went through some drills on how to use the blade. Then we fought each other. He won, but I made him a promise that next time I'll win.

I'm fairly competitive and I don't like to lose.  I have a plan to ask Tasha to help me so next time Ernouf and I fight he wont expect me to know everything Tasha taught me.

After all Ernouf said the element of surprise can be crucial in a fight.

As I got nearer to my room I saw Tasha standing outside the door. Waiting for me. " hey I just came to apologise. I know it was wrong to bring you here without telling you the full truth. You seem like a nice person. I hope you'll forgive me." Tasha said with sincerity in her voice.

" I know you were doing what you thought was right. Yes I forgive you, but I would like a favour. Wait actually two favours" I smiled.

She raised her eyebrow in response. I continued, " I want you to help me with training so I can beat Ernouf in a fight and I want to go visit Jess. Before you say no, you can take me so I wont be alone. Plus we'll only be there for an hour or so." I finished.

She signed. " Alright. Be ready by 8:35.we leave tonight. I'll go tell Ernouf and Amoux."

"Do we have to tell them?" I questioned.

" yes they are my pack I cant keep secrets from them. It will also be a lot safer with four of us going instead of two."

With that she gave me a smile and left.

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