Chapter 27

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Jessie's POV

Dani and I run downstairs to the front room where everyone is. They all look up at us like we're aliens. I see Dani take a step back but I grab her arm and walk right up to her sisters.

"Got a problem?" I ask, not in a rude tone but in a no nonsense one. I see the looks on their faces change and they shake their heads.

"Good," I say and then Christina switches gears to practice.

"Okay guys so which songs do you want to sing?" Christina asks.

"All the ones on our EP of course," Amy says.

"Easy to Forget Me," Lauren and Dani both say.

"We should play snippets of our new songs," Lisa suggests and Christina writes that down.

"Don't Think About It," Kath says and Christina starts looking at the list.

"Um what about I'm a Mess?" I suggest and suddenly six pairs of eyes are on me.

"Yes!!" Dani exclaims.

"How did you know that?" Kath asks.

"I'm living with a band so how could I not search you up on YouTube," I laugh, "I'm a Mess is one of my favorites."

"Mine too," Lauren says.

"Oh and Renegade and I Got You," I add and they smile.

"Looks like we have a new fan," Amy says. I take a quick look at the clock and see it's only 1:40 pm.

"Okay let's set up and then first start with Renegade," Christina says and they grab their instruments. I sit on a chair and watch them practice for hours. I also like the song You're Worth It but it makes me tear up.

My stomach starts growling and I see it's already 6:58 pm. Time has flown like crazy watching them practice. Mom, Dad, and the boys went out for the afternoon and evening so we have the house to ourselves.

I get up without them noticing and go into the kitchen. I grab a huge pot and fill it with water, boil it and then add spaghetti. I cut up tomatoes and add some spices and then make sauce in another pot. Finally when it's ready I set the table for seven and call out to them.

"GUYS, DINNER'S READY!!" I yell and I hear them put their instruments down quickly and run to the kitchen.

"Mmm it smells so good!" Christina says and I smile.

"You didn't have to do this," Katherine tells me but I shrug.

"I wanted to," I tell them, smiling. We each grab a plate and dish up our food. We all eat hungrily, I quite like how the sauce tastes.

"Jessie we were thinking," Lisa begins and I look at her but then Christina continues.

"Would you like to be introduced to the fans tomorrow?" Christina asks.

"Consider this carefully because the moment you're out there, your twitter will start to blow up and privacy will be a whole lot less," Lisa adds. I think about it for a moment. Sure, maybe I won't have as much privacy but I don't want to hide and then if people get pictures of me with the girls, they won't have to speculate about who I am.

"I want to do it," I take a deep breath and say.

"Yay!" Amy says and everyone is smiling. I'm now really excited for the concert tomorrow.

We decide to go take a walk on the beach to help them calm their nerves. They may have done a lot of concerts before but they still get nervous. Hell, I'm sooo nervous too. I've never been one to be in front of a lot of people but I guess there's a first for everything.

Lauren starts rapping Lips Are Movin from the cover they did an I join in.

Boy look at me in my face
Tell me that you're not just about this bass
You really think I could be replaced
Nah, I come from outer space

On Dani's part her and I start dancing around while rapping.

Cause I'm a classy girl
Imma hold it up
You full of something but it ain't love
And what we got is straight overdue
Go find somebody new

We finish and the others are laughing.

"What?" I ask.

"You can rap too," Lisa remarks and I nod. We walk back home as it starts getting dark but as we walk in the house I see Lisa grab my one arm.

"Uh what?" I ask and her along with the others have a huge grin on their face. Lisa walks me upstairs to her, Lauren, and Dani's room but suddenly I feel her hands over my eyes.

"Lisa, what's going on?!" I ask again but get no answer. Suddenly she lifts her hands and I open my eyes. I let out a gasp before running to it.

"You-you guys did this? For me? Lisa, seriously??" I ask in complete shock.

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