Chapter 9

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Jessie's POV

I watch as Lisa and Katherine walked down the beach and then eventually came back. Lisa looks at me with sadness in her eyes and I now know she knows.

I must've let out a sigh because I'm nudged by Christina.

"What's wrong?" Christina asks and I shake my head.

"Nothing I was just thinking about something," I tell her and then reach up and push my hair back from my face. Suddenly my arm is grabbed and I'm dragged up the beach to our towels.

I start to panic and look to who is dragging me. Christina.

"Show me your wrists," she demands and I slowly turn my hands so she can see. Her reaction turns from angry to sadness and she looks me in the eyes. I look down and a tear falls down my cheek. I hate that they know.

"Why the heck is Jessie crying?" I hear Lisa say and I look up to see her and Katherine running up the beach towards Christina and I.

"She saw," I say and they nod in understanding.

"You two know?" Christina asks her sisters in shock.

"Yeah we found out today as well," Katherine tells her.

"We need to talk about this," Christina says but then Amy, Lauren and Dani run up the beach.

"Can we go get boba?" Lauren asks and Christina nods happily. I quickly throw my sweater on before the other 3 notice and then put my capris on too.

"We'll talk later," Christina whispers into my ear and I nod a little. I'm nervous for this talk or whatever it is. I know they're judging me and this is just one more reason for me to leave.

We go to this boba place and we each order one. We sit down to drink it and I see Dani look me up and down. Weird.

"Aren't you hot in that?" she finally asks. Oh. That question.

"Not really, I was pretty cold this morning for some reason," I lie.

"Maybe because you slept outside with Kath," Amy says. I shrug and they move on to a different topic.

I don't realize it but I'm breathing pretty heavy. I feel a hand rubbing my back and I turn to see Lisa doing it. I give her a confused look.

"You're breathing way too fast, calm down, you're gonna be okay," she whispers and I realize I am breathing fast. I try to control it but then I feel something else.

"Excuse me," I say while getting up and running to the bathroom. I run straight to a stall and throw up all over. It won't stop and I'm pretty sure it's on the floor too.

I feel my hair get pulled back by someone but I can't turn around. Eventually the feeling subsides and I sit back against whoever is their and I start to cry. My throat burns and I feel just miserable.

"You're going to be okay," I hear Lisa's soft voice tell me. I turn and look at her.

"I'm a mess," I tell her but it's not just about this. It's about everything, my life is so messy. The look in her eyes tell me she understood the deeper meaning.

I look around and see the puke on the floor and also my clothes. Wait...

"I got it on Lauren's clothes," I say crying harder.

"She'll understand. It's fine," Lisa tells me, "Now let's get you cleaned up and then get you home."

I nod and slowly get up. I see myself in the mirror and it's a horrible sight. I wash my face but have no idea what to do about my clothes.

"Let's go get the others and go home," Lisa says. I nod and sigh.

"I look so gross," I complain as we walk out of the bathroom. People stare as we walk past and my face burns with embarassment. We get to the table where the others sit.

"All of you grab your things and meet us at the car," Lisa tells them and then her and I keep walking out.

"Don't worry, I wasn't gonna make you stay in there and get stared at for any longer than necessary," she says and I give her an appreciative look.

"Thanks," I say and she smiles. We wait outside the car and the others come out. The moment they see me in my stained clothes they come running to me.

"What happened?" Christina asks.

"When I went to the bathroom I found her throwing up, unable to stop. And well... this happened," Lisa explains.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Katherine asks and I weakly nod.

"I still feel a bit queasy though," I say. Dani, Lauren and Amy get in the back and then Kath puts a blanket down over a seat so I don't get puke on it. I sit down and she sits next to me. Christina gets in the front and Lisa drives us back to their home.

We're almost there but I feel worse again. I look at Katherine with wide eyes, scared if I talk, it won't end well.

"Lisa drive fast!!! She's gonna be sick soon," Kath tells her and I feel us accelerate. She pulls into their driveway and I quickly open the door and run into their house.

Up the stairs, into the bathroom and just in time. I let it out and start to cry because this time my throat really burns.

There's a knock at the door but I feel too weak to open it. Another knock and then the door opens. Lisa and Katherine enter and sit down next to me. Christina follows, bringing in a washcloth and towel and a new set of clothes.

I finally pull myself together and get up.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Lisa asks.

"I think so," I nod.

"Okay just yell if you need us," Kath says and then they leave and I take a shower. The running water is calming and feels nice.

Eventually I get out and put on the clothes Christina brought me. A pair of leggings and a blue sweater. I'm glad she remembered the long sleeves.

Emerging from the bathroom, I try to remember which room is theirs but thankfully, Amy comes out of it.

"How are you feeling?" she asks and I give her a smile.

"Better, thanks," I say and she smiles back before continuing on downstairs.

My throat still burns and I'm still so embarassed but whatever. I walk into the bedroom and see Kath and Christina sitting on Amy's bed talking. They look up when they hear me enter.

"Feeling better?" Kath asks. I shrug and sit between them.

"Kinda I guess," I say.

"You should rest some," Christina suggests and Katherine nods in agreement.

I burst into tears even though I don't want to. Kath envelopes me in a hug.

"Woah what's wrong?" they ask.

"My throat hurts and I feel bad for-for being such a burden and," I say while crying but get cut off by Christina.

"You are not a burden," she says strongly, "We care about you." I cry a little harder when she says that because no one has ever told me that before.

I lay my head down on Katherine's lap, still crying a little. She combs my hair with her fingers and Christina rubs my back.

"You're safe here," are the last words I hear before I drift into a peaceful sleep.

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