Chapter 3

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Christina's POV

"We're not leaving until you tell us your name and why you're in a box and crying," I say.

"I-I'm Jessie," she slowly responds.

"I'm Christina and this is Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Lauren, and Dani. Look, we're concerned about you. Let us help," I look at her but she quickly looks down.

"My parents kicked me out about a month ago, I've been living here ever since," she whispers. Her words feel like a kick to the stomach, I can't imagine being tossed out of my house.

"We are going to get ice cream so how about you come with? Our treat," Kath suggests and I smile a little. Good idea. Jessie thinks about it then slowly nods.

"Yay!" Amy says and we walk to the ice cream parlor. We each order a cone and I pay.

Sitting down at a large table, we all look at Jessie. She looks at her cone awkwardly.

"How old are you?" I ask finally. She looks up at me.

"I just turned 17 not too long ago. How old are you guys?"

"You're around the same age as Lauren! She's 16," Kath says and Jessie smiles first at Kath then at Lauren. I notice Lauren smiles warmly.

"Christina's 24, Kath is 22, Lisa's 21, Amy's 19 and I'm 14," Dani says.

"Wow," Jessie exclaims quietly. We nod. Once we have all finished our cones, my sisters look at me.

"Jessie, would you like to come over for dinner?" I ask. She looks down and plays with her napkin. I know she's unsure.

"I'm going to be making pasta," Kath says smiling. Jessie slowly looks up and smiles hesitantly at Kath.

"Well... okay I guess," she responds.

"You should ask your parents first!" Dani says and I elbow her and glare.

"Oops sorry!" she apologizes, realizing her mistake. Jessie's frown turns to a smile but I'm pretty sure it's a fake one.

"No worries," she shrugs and we all get up. Walking home, I think about how we can help Jessie. I refuse to let her go back to that box.

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