Chapter 21

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Jessie's POV

Christina and I look at the doctor.

"Well we did xrays and I'm happy to tell you he did not break his spine nor his head," both of us sigh in relief and the doctor continues, "However, he does have a broken leg and will need a cast on it. Joey got very lucky this time."

I look at Christina and smile.

"I told you everything was going to be okay and I wasn't lying," I say and she nods.

"Let's go tell the others," I say and we walk quickly out to the waiting room in the ER.

All of them jump up and look at Christina and I expectantly.

"He has a broken leg but that's it," I say and smile. Everyone breaks out in smiles and starts hugging one another. I notice Mike and Alex are here now.

"I better call Mom and Dad back and tell them he's going to be fine," Katherine says and goes outside to call them.

"Does anyone want to be there when Joey gets his cast on?" a nurse asks the large group of us.

"Me! Me!" Christian and Nick beg. The nurse nods and Katherine, back from outside as well as Alex choose to go with.

"Please come with," I see Nick asking Dani but she shakes her head. I exchange a worried glance with Lauren before she turns to Nick.

"I'll go with you guys," Laur says and walks with Christian, Nick, Alex, and Kath.

Mike and Christina get up and go fill out the forms the nurse requested they do and now all that's left of us in the waiting room is Lisa, Amy, Dani, and I. Lisa goes to Dani and puts her arm around her.

"Stop!" Dani says loudly and shakes Lisa's arm off.

"Talk to me Dani," Lisa pleads. Dani turns away from her. Lisa walks back to Amy and the look on her face is of hurt.

"Dani please talk," Amy says and rubs her back. Dani spins around with a glare.

"Leave me alone!!!" she screams and a lot of people turn to look at us.

"Danielle Nicole you stop screaming at your sisters," Christina says running over to us. Dani gets up and runs out the door. Lisa gets up to run after her but I put one hand on her shoulder.

"Let me try, it might be easier for her to talk to someone who isn't family," I say calmly and Lisa nods. I run out of the ER and look around. I see a faint speck running in the distance and I sprint at full speed following her.

I watch her sink to the grass and I get there a minute later.

"Leave me alone!" Dani says but this time in a defeated voice.

"No," I say quietly and she looks up in surprise.

"I thought you were one of my sisters," she says. I shake my head.

"Lisa tried to run after you but I told her I would instead," I tell Dani and sit down next to her. She starts playing with the grass.

"Listen, talking would be helpful but if you'd rather just sit here or walk or whatever, that's fine with me," I say. She looks at me with shock on her face.

"What?" I ask.

"My sisters are always like 'want to talk?' or 'talk to me' they've never given me other options," Dani says.

"Well I just gave you options so what would you like to do?" I ask. She thinks for a moment before opening her mouth.

"Can we go for a walk?" she asks.

"Of course," I say and get up. I help her up and we walk across a field in a good type of silence. I know she's thinking about everything and that she'll start talking soon enough. She just needs time and space.

I start remembering my sister but know I can't do that now. This isn't the time or place to think about her. I can't cry.

"Jessie?" Dani's voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Why are you digging your nails into your hand? It's starting to bleed," she says with a little bit of worry in her voice. I didn't know I was until I look down and realize she's right.

"Shit," I say and examine my hand.

"Why did you do that?" Dani asks. I debate if I should lie and say there was no reason but then I realize Dani isn't stupid. I'm not going to lie to her.

"Today years ago something happened that I'd really rather forget," I say honestly and she nods in understanding. Everyone has days like this.

"I was so scared," Dani suddenly blurts out. I look at her attentatively.

"It's my fault he fell and I'm glad he only broke his leg but Mom and Dad are going to kill me for it," Dani says super fast.

"Look at me," I say and she does, "They might be a bit mad but more than anything I'm sure they'll be grateful that he is okay."

"But what if he wasn't okay?" she asks.

"No no no, the what ifs will haunt you forever if you keep thinking them. Believe me, I know. Please don't do that to yourself," I ask and she slowly nods.

"It's not your fault Dani," I tell her.

"It feels like it is," she says.

"Feelings come and go, facts are forever," I tell Dani and it's the truth. It is a difficult truth to believe though. I know that for a fact.

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