Chapter 22

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Dani's POV

I feel a tiny bit less guilty after talking with Jessie. She understands the concept of space as well as seems to know what she's talking about.

"I don't want to go back to the hospital," I sigh.

"We better go soon because we've been out here a while and they're gonna be worried," Jessie says and I know she's right.

"I guess we can start walking back," I say and get up. She gets up and we walk back across the field. Nearing the emergency room door of the hospital I start to get nervous.

Mom and Dad are in there by now I'm sure. What are they going to say to me?

Suddenly I feel someone squeeze my hand and I realize I grabbed onto Jessie's hand. She gives me a reassuring smile as we walk through the doors.

"Danielle!" I hear my mom say and next thing I know I'm enveloped in a hug.

"I'm so sorry Mom, I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen," I say and start to cry. My mom hugs me tighter.

"It's okay sweetie, please don't blame yourself. Joey's okay and that's all that matters," she tells me which makes me cry more. I expected her to punish me not to hug me.

"Joey's asking for you," she says and I wipe my tears and nod. Her and I walk to Joey and he grins when he sees me.

"Look at my cast," he exclaims proudly. I let out a small laugh, he seems to love the cast.

Lisa's POV

I'm still a bit shaken up after what happened. I can't believe Joey fell that far although I'm so grateful that he wasn't injured too badly.

I watch as Mom hugs Dani tight and I smile knowing that she's going to make Dani see this isn't her fault.

I hear someone sit down next to me which breaks me out of my thoughts. I look up to see Jessie and I remember what I wanted to ask her.

"Thank you so much for helping Joey when he fell," I say.

"You're welcome," she says and smiles.

"I'm curious, how did you know all that?" I ask.

"Well I took a few medical type classes in school before plus I kinda want to become a nurse," she says shyly then adds on, "Although I doubt that'll happen."

"You did amazing today and were by far the calmest of all of us. I think you'd make a great nurse," I tell her my honest opinion. She smiles and I smile back.

"Guys look!" I hear my little brother Joey say. Wait... Joey? I quickly stand up to see him being wheeled towards us in a wheelchair and he's grinning away, pointing at his cast.

Dad signs the discharge papers and we decide that Joey will ride with Mom, Dad, Dani, Nick, and Christian. Mike and Alex can drive back on their own and then the rest of us will take the van.

We head out to the van and suddenly Kath takes me and Christina aside.

"I didn't drive everyone down here," she says.

"What?!" Christina and I exclaim. What the heck? Who drove them??

"I was kinda a wreck and well, Jessie drove us," Kath says.

"Does she have her license?" Christina asks and Kath nods.

"She did amazing especially considering the rest of us were crying and freaking out."

"That's good," Christina says but I start to understand what Kath is hinting at.

"Then let's let her drive us all back," I say and Kath smiles at me. We walk to the car where everyone is waiting. Christina opens the back door.

"Jessie, out," she says and Jessie climbs out with a scared look on her face. She locks eyes with me until I smile and look at Christina.

"As a thank you for today, I wanted to know if you'd like to drive us all home. I don't normally let anyone that's not my siblings drive but Kath says you're a good driver so..." Christina says and Jessie grins.

"I'd love to!" she exclaims and I toss her the car keys. Kath and I get in the back while Jessie gets in the driver's seat and Christina in the passenger's.

Jessie parks in our driveway and we all pile out and go into the house. I realize it's already getting dark and I check my phone. How is it already 9 pm? Today sure went fast. All the boys head to their rooms as do Mom and Dad.

I sit down on the couch, tired but not quite tired enough for sleeping. I'm sure Christina and Kath will try to go to sleep as they're not into staying up late anyways.

Lauren and Amy walk into the living room and sit down on either end of the other couch. I turn on tv and pass the remote to them. I'm too lazy to figure out what to watch.

Several minutes later Dani and Jessie walk in and sit down on either side of me on the couch. I always like the middle of the couch and they know it.

I notice Jessie seems a bit out of it and I nudge her, she doesn't take notice. I nudge her again and she jumps a little and looks around wide eyed.

"Are you okay?" I ask and she nods. I know she's not but I won't push it, instead I go back to watching tv.

I feel someone nudging my shoulder and I open my eyes.

"What?" I mumble.

"It's 11:30 and you fell asleep, let's go upstairs," Lauren says and I slowly sit up. I don't know how I could have fallen asleep, I didn't think I was that tired. Guess I was wrong.

Amy and Dani, also looking like they were just woken up are slowly walking upstairs followed by Jessie and Lauren and I follow them up.

I quickly change into my pajamas and climb into bed. Dani has already fallen back asleep and the moment Lauren switches off the light, I fall right back into my dreams.

I wake up in the night with a bad headache. I roll over and check the time on my phone, 3:47 am. Groaning, I get up and walk out of my room and down the hallway to the bathroom. I take some advil and then head back to my room.

I faintly hear crying though and it's not from either Dani or Lauren. I tiptoe into the other room but see Christina, Kath and Amy fast asleep. Then I realize one bed is empty. Jessie's.

I walk downstairs, still half asleep to see Jessie sitting at the kitchen table, crying quite loudly. I notice she's writing something and there's a small blade next to her.

I must've let out a gasp because she spins around and sees me.

"Go," she says and I shake my head.

"What can I do?" I ask but I get no response. I try to grab the blade but she covers it with her hand.

"How can I help?!" I ask starting to panic. She cries a little harder but doesn't say anything.

Quickly I run upstairs and into my sisters' room. I roughly nudge Christina and she opens her eyes.

"Go back to sleep Lisa," she mumbles.

"Christina I need you now, it's Jessie," I say rushed and she jumps up realizing it's serious. I run downstairs and watch as Christina sees Jessie, crying, writing and with the blade next to her.

"Jessie talk to me," Christina says and Jessie shakes her head.

"I didn't know what to do Christina," I say, a few tears fall down my cheeks. Christina puts one hand on my shoulder.

"Go back to sleep Lise, it's gonna be okay," my oldest sister tells me. I nod and start walking up the stairs but watch what happens.

Christina runs to Jessie and envelopes her in a hug. She grabs the blade and pushes it out of reach.

"No, stop!" Jessie says, struggling.

"I'm not going to let this happen Jess," Christina says as she hugs her. After about a minute of Christina whispering things I can't hear, I watch as Jessie drops her pen and hugs Christina back.

Jessie starts to cry more now and I decide to go to bed, knowing Christina's got this. My heart continues to beat fast though, I don't know why this happened this time.

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