Chapter 14

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Jessie's POV

I wake up the next morning and remember all the events that occured yesterday. It seems like it was a crazy dream but it wasn't.

I see Lisa already up and on her phone.

"Morning," I say. She looks up and smiles.


I lay there for a few minutes before grabbing Lauren's phone that she lent me. I see there's several texts. One from Dani and also one from Katherine. I choose to open up the one from Dani first.

Dani: How are you? -Laur

Me: Better today. Sleep was nice

Dani: That's good, I'll tell Lauren that.

Me: Thanks. How's things with Christina going?

Dani: Um... we're trying still

Me: Okay, thank you so much. Like seriously, thank you!

Dani: No worries. She should never have said those things to you

Me: Yeah but oh well. I just hope one day she'll come around

Dani: I'm sure she will. I gtg, breakfast time! Ttyl

I stop texting Dani and pause, looking at the screen. I nervously touch Katherine's name and read her message.

Kath: Can we talk? I don't want either of us to stay upset with the other.

I sigh and then take a deep breath. I notice that Lisa looks up at me but she doesn't say a word.

Me: Okay... we can't meet anywhere near your house though, Christina would probably flip.

She responds right away, I'm guessing she's either texting someone else at the same time or she's been waiting for me.

Kath: Does the park sound good?

Me: Sure, what time?

Kath: How does 12 sound?

Me: Sounds good, I'll see you there

I check the time on the phone and see it's almost 11. I have one hour to get ready which should be enough time.

"Frick," I say out loud.

"What's wrong?" Lisa asks, getting up.

"I have no other clothes," I say, ashamed. She goes to her bag and tosses me black shorts and a blue dress.

"Wear these," she tells me and I look at the dress.

"I haven't worn a dress since I was 6," I mutter and Lisa just looks at me.

"Either wear it or don't, up to you," she tells me and I grab it and change in the bathroom. I put on some makeup and brush out my hair.

Looking in the mirror, I'm shocked at my reflection. I actually look really pretty for once. I walk out of the bathroom and Lisa grins.

"I knew it would look good on you!" she exclaims proudly. I smile back at her.

"Any plans for today?" I ask.

"Yeah, Christina and I are going to work on some arrangements of songs," she says. Right, I forgot they're youtube stars.

"Sounds like fun," I say and she smiles a little.

"What about you? Any plans?" she asks.

"Yeah, I'm meeting Kath in about 20 minutes to talk," I tell Lisa.

"Good. I was hoping you two would work things out soon. And today I plan on talking to Christina about things," she says. I nod.

"I better get going," I say.

"Okay. By the way, I've paid for this room again tonight so regardless if I'm here or not, it's all yours," Lisa says.

"Thank you, I seriously owe you," I tell her and give her a hug.

"No, don't worry about it," she brushes it off.

I don't have time to argue however so I grab Lauren's phone and a room key and leave the hotel. I walk to the park and am starting to get nervous.

I keep trying to remind myself it's just Katherine I'm going to talk to but it's still scary in a way.

I find her sitting on a bench writing in a journal it looks like. I sit down next to her and she looks up and smiles a little.

"What are you writing?" I ask.

"A poem," she tells me and I smile. Poetry is beautiful.

"Listen... I am so so sorry about yesterday!" I burst out saying.

"Me too! I didn't mean to be accusing or too forward," she responds. I pull her into a hug. She hugs back tightly.

"If I could go back to yesterday I would change everything," I tell her honestly. Suddenly she pulls away and looks me straight in the eyes.

"Lisa said that something big happened and that you needed to tell me it," she says with wide, scared eyes. I mentally make a note to get mad at Lisa. I didn't want everyone to know. Or at least not like this.

I take a deep breath. "When Lisa found me yesterday I was at that hill overlooking the ocean. Well I... I was contemplating jumping."

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