Chapter 12

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Jessie's POV

I turn back towards the ocean and look at it. I already know my decision. I realized it was the only decision I would be able to live with.

Spinning around to see Lisa standing a few feet away from me, I run to her and hug her tight.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I repeat, crying into her shoulder. She cries into my shoulder as well, hugging me so tight to make sure I won't change my mind.

Eventually we end up sitting down on the beach. She looks at me.

"I told you I care. I'm so glad I found you in time," Lisa says with tears in her eyes.

"I'm glad too. I didn't really want to die... I just forgot that someone cared," I tell her and she nods.

"I won't let you forget that again," she says and I give her a quick hug.

We sit watching the waves until I realize something.

"Katherine... Christina... I never meant to say what I did to them," I say quietly.

"I know. And I'm pretty sure Kath has already forgiven you. Christina's still furious though. Kath and Dani were trying to calm her down when I left."

"What about Amy and Lauren?" I ask.

"Amy doesn't like confrontations so she went to her room and Lauren snuck out with me to go find you. Oh! I should text her that I found you," she exclaims and pulls her phone out of her pocket, texting Lauren. Lauren responds immediately and asks where we are.

Lisa: At the beach

Lauren: Okay I'll be there in 10

"We don't have to tell her about everything if you don't want to," Lisa tells me.

"I think we should tell her," I say and Lisa nods.

About 10 minutes later, Lauren shows up and hugs me.

"I'm so glad you're okay," she says.

"Thanks to Lisa I am," I say and she looks at Lisa then back at me. After a moment a scared look appears on her face.

"What happened?" she asks.

"I debated jumping off that hill," I motion to it, "But Lisa reminded me that people care," I say quietly. Tears fall down Lauren's cheeks and I hug her tight.

"I'm okay now," I whisper. We sit there having a group hug for a while.

"I have one question," I say.

"What?" Lisa asks.

"Where am I supposed to go now? I'm gonna have to find a new box or something," I say.

"No way," Lauren says shaking her head.

"We're gonna have to work on getting Christina to let you back in the house," Lisa says, looking at Lauren who nods, "In the meantime I have money and I'll buy you a hotel room," she tells me.

"You don't need to do that... really, that's too generous," I say.

"No, I'm doing it no matter what you say," she says and I sigh.

"I can never thank you guys enough," I tell them honestly.

"It's fine," Lauren says.

"Okay so Laur, let's run home and I'm gonna go get my money. Then I'll meet you at that hotel off of Terrace Road in half an hour or so," Lisa instructs.

"Take my phone, that way we can communicate with you," Lauren tells me. I try to refuse it but she drops it in my lap.

"I'll text you if I'll be any later then half an hour," Lisa says and I nod. I watch them run up the beach and towards their house. Slowly, I get up and walk towards the hotel Lisa was talking about.

I really hope they don't get caught.

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