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The man Christopher wakes slowly and with a groan that pinches at your heart.

It makes you frown. You didn't expect that. Then again, so many things have been happening that you didn't expect. So many things that you're not sure you like.

The healer replaces the cold compress on Christopher's head. Then, kneeling beside him, he lifts one eyelid, then the other.

The healer turns to look at you. 'He seems to be relatively unharmed. He is lucky. The Goddess must be watching over him.'

You nod, leaning your chin upon your tented fingers as you look down upon his resting figure. A blanket covers him up to his waist. His long dark hair trails down his shoulders. His long, slim fingers twitch at his sides. His nipples look so soft. His remarkable face ... You can't stop gazing at him.

'I will take my leave,' the healer says quietly, taking the hint.

The door creaks shut.

The healer's hut is bigger than a regular hut, wide and spacious with a smoke hole in the middle of the ceiling. You've been here as one of the wounded more times than you care to think: after injuring yourself in battles, hurting yourself in hunts, for a variety of minor maladies ... when you nursed your lover into death ...

Those final moments.

The man Christopher groans again as he finally opens his eyes. He looks around in a daze before catching sight of you. His eyes widen, then narrow. His cheeks turn pink and he abruptly tries to sit up.

'Stop,' you say. 'You shouldn't move too quickly.'

He doesn't need to be told twice, flopping back down again with a grimace. You can easily imagine what he must be experiencing: the blood thumping in his head, the stars in his eyes. How many times have you suffered head injuries?

Too many to count.

'Where am I?' he croaks.

'In the healers' hut. You've been unconscious for a long time. You're lucky to be alive. It was a savage hit.'

He tries to sit up again, slowly this time. You reach out to help him but he jerks away from you. He rests his back against the wall with a gasp as the compress falls into his lap. 'Where's Shereen?'

'Being punished.'

He blinks. 'What do you mean?'

He turns with a start at the sound of a scream. Even from a distance the loud crack of the whip rings in your ears.

His eyes widen. 'You must stop it!'

He struggles to rise but you push him back down. He glares at you.

'It's only four lashes,' you say.

'You can't! He was already badly beaten.'

You nod. It's not surprising. Grippla had taken him for her own last night. She was angry. You made her angry.

'He went with her willingly,' you say.

He stares at you in disbelief. 'You're telling me it's his fault?'

You gaze at him mutely. He's panting. His face is red. 'You're getting hysterical.'

He throws his hands up in the air. 'I'm not hysterical! I'm just ... angry. And I'm allowed to be! How can you just let this happen? Aren't you supposed to be the ones protecting us? Defending us?'

He suddenly stands. Forgetting that he's naked, he tries to grasp at his blanket before it drops to the floor. Too late. His cheeks flush, but he doesn't move to pick the blanket up, lifting his chin and glaring at you.

'Just because I have a penis doesn't make me useless,' he says. 'Where I come from, men can do many things. We build buildings and bridges and cars! In fact, men are the dominant of the two sexes, and it's the women fighting for recognition!' His hands shift in front of his thighs, as though wanting to shield his groin, before he fists them on his hips instead.

He's trying to be tough, he's trying to be strong, but all it does is force you to bite down against the laughter bubbling in your chest. Such a lovely, little thing he is. Stranger or no stranger, troublemaker or no troublemaker, how could you not like him?

You grip your knees as you gaze up at him. 'Such a creative story—and unbelievable. If what you say is true, why are you not as big as us? Why do you not equal our strength and skill and intelligence?'

'I do equal your intelligence!' he snaps. 'In fact, I'm a hell of a lot smarter than you are.'

'If you are so smart, then why did you get caught?'

He doesn't answer. He seems to deflate, dropping his gaze to his feet as he shakes his head.

Something strange is happening to you. You feel strange. He stirs emotions in you that you haven't felt in a long time. This man. This lovely, lonely, mysterious man—he makes your heart lurch. You don't want to hurt him.

Slowly, you stand. He looks up at you. You reach out to take his chin, but he slips through your fingers as he jerks away.

You sigh. 'I'm not going to hurt you. I think it's a wonderful thing that you're so proud, that you're so willing to stand up for yourself and your brothers. It's refreshing. But your strength and courage can only get you so far.'

You wave at the window. 'But out there, in the jungle, it means little. There is no denying that you lack the strength and stamina and bravery to survive—and there's nothing wrong with that,' you add quickly as his eyes flash with rage. 'Because you have so many other essential qualities that no woman could replicate. You have a place in this tribe. An important place. A place I could never fill. The Goddess gave you the most important job of all—to nurture the next generation. You're gentle and wise and patient and you keep us women in line.'

You chuckle. He's staring at you mutely, his eyes glittering. This time, he doesn't pull away as you take his chin. Your voice drops to a whisper. 'You are the reason we fight and hunt and die. We might be the muscle but you are the heart of this tribe. Don't forget it. Don't underestimate it.'

You look back into his wide green eyes. His cheeks are pink. His hair shines against the sunlight pouring through the window. His lips are full. You dare to brush your finger against them, and again he doesn't resist. You're so close you can feel the heat of his panting breaths. And down below you feel movement. It's brushing up the inside of your thigh, so hot and hard and alive.

Smiling, you slide your hand around the back of his neck and draw him in for a kiss.

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