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It's the woman from last night. The woman who fought over me. I grab at her wrists uselessly as she draws me to my feet. I choke and stumble but she steadies me with her formidable strength. Then she releases me. I stagger backwards, coughing and gasping as I grab at my throat.

Her smiling face fades into one of concern. 'Sorry,' she says in an unconvincingly gentle voice. 'Sometimes I don't know my own strength.' She takes a step towards me and cocks her head. 'Are you all right? You shouldn't be out here. It's dangerous, particularly for a man.'

I scowl at her, turn and attempt to trudge away. My heart flips in my chest when she suddenly seizes my wrist. 'Where are you going?' Her voice is laughing now. 'A pretty boy like you? Didn't you like your lover?'

I turn on her with a second scowl and try to yank my wrist out of her grasp to no effect. My heart is beating so hard I'm finding it difficult to breathe. 'Let go.'

She grins her hideous grin. It deepens the scar down her cheek, which twists her face into something almost grotesque. She's a huge woman. So much bigger than I am. She must be over seven feet tall. And broad, with muscles that ripple down her arms and legs.

I have no chance.

My heart slams against my ribcage. A wave of dizziness makes me stumble. She seizes onto me, clasping me to her chest. Her enormous breasts smother my face. Her nipples are so large they're like saucers and sprout long, wiry hairs that tickle my nose. She reeks of unwashed skin and body odour, foul enough that she makes me cough and gasp.

She leans over to smell my hair. 'Ah ... so lovely.'

I try to shove her away but all she does is pull me against her more tightly until I can hardly breathe.

'Let go!' I punch, kick, try to stomp on her feet. But all she does is laugh and twist me around until I'm facing the other way. There, she locks her massive arms around me, pinning my arms to my sides so I can hardly move.

'I like it when you fight.' She kisses my ear, my cheek, the nape of my neck. She smells my hair again, then drags her tongue along my collarbone. 'It's always so much fun.' She licks me in the ear.

I shout and she releases me. It's so unexpected that I stagger and almost fall. I turn back to her, my hands fisted at my sides. My cheeks are still wet from my crying and I hate it. Fury like I've never felt before surges through my body. I feel all my muscles tense. It makes me feel strong, powerful. I might only be a man but I feel strong!

'Go on then,' she says with a curl to her lip. 'Scream. Shout for help. You men are all the same.' She licks her lips as she rakes her gleaming eyes up and down my naked body. How is it she can make me feel so filthy so easily?

All I can do is fight the urge to cover myself.

She sneers. 'You do all you can to attract us, to flirt, to show us how much you want us, and then when it comes down to it, you refuse us!' Her eyes flash. 'It isn't fair. You should have been mine. You will be mine. Go on, scream! Scream like a little bastard.'

'No,' I say. I will not scream. I will not beg for mercy. I raise my fists in front of my face.

Her eyebrows raise, then she laughs. 'The pretty little thing is going to fight!' She wipes her mouth with the back of her big hand. 'Good. All the better.' The big muscles in her broad shoulders bulge, the thick cording in her neck tightens as she prepares herself.

I'm fucked.

She charges like a Goddamn bull and all I can do is throw my fists around like an idiot. I even close my eyes, knowing how badly this is going to turn out. Somehow I connect with some kind of flesh, something hard and impervious. It feels like I'm punching into steel.

Then she hits me. Hits me so hard that all I see is red behind my eyelids. Did she really only hit me? It feels like she's smashed my face in a with a branch. I'm not sure I haven't swallowed my tongue. I fly backwards. It's a strange feeling, almost like I'm falling in slow motion. Thankfully the ground litter is deep and I land with a soft thud.

I lie there, stunned, before the pain suddenly hits. Fire courses along my cheekbone and burns behind my eye in a little explosion that cramps up my whole body. I bite down at the urge to cry out. I can't hear anything. I can't see anything. All I know is the pain.

It hurts to open my eyes, but I do it. It hurts to open my lips, but I must.

'Fuck you!' I gag. Blood wells up into my nostrils and gushes out. I can taste it in my mouth. I see her blurry figure standing above me, her hands fisted at her sides, that big scar looking like a black mouth in her face.

I'm lying on my back, spread-eagled, exposed and vulnerable. It's not a good position to be in, especially not when she's looking down on me with that glint in her eyes.

Jesus. Move!

I roll onto my belly and try to claw my way along the ground away from her. I don't get far, of course. I collapse with a shout as she steps on the middle of my back. Then she kicks me back over. All I can do is gaze up at her helplessly as she drops her pants.

Her breasts are heaving, her eyes are gleaming and in between her legs her pubic hair is so wet with cum she's dripping. Despite the nausea swirling in my stomach, despite my terror, my body responds. It responds! No doubt helped along by my unrelieved morning erection. No doubt helped along by you. I quickly grab onto my hardening shaft, digging my fingers into it until I grit my teeth in pain. It doesn't work.

The woman grins. She kicks away her pants.

Then she's on top of me.

There is nothing for it but to scream—and I scream like a fucking girl.

She's on top of me, her thighs clenched hard around my hips. I throw a punch at her face but all she does is pull back and slap me hard in return. The force of it throws my head to the right. My ears are ringing. I feel the blood throbbing in my cheekbone.

Then she slaps me again. 'You will know your place.'

My whole face is on fire. My head is pounding. I'm gone now, dazed, barely lucid. Vaguely I feel her grabbing me down below, stroking me, preparing me for what's to come. All I can do is groan and murmur feebly for her to stop. But she doesn't listen and she doesn't care.

There's nothing I can do.

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