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You don't remember stumbling your way back to the hut. You just suddenly find yourself there, locked in each other's embrace.


He hasn't kissed you like his before. Then again, you can say the same thing for yourself. You've never felt so desperate. You've never felt an urgency like you do now. You claw your fingers through his hair as you nibble on the corner of his jaw. He stretches his neck out with a gasp.

Then he seizes onto your arms. You pull back. The fire in his eyes is startling. He's gritting his teeth. You can feel his hard bulge pressing up against your thigh. It makes you so hot. You grit your teeth in return.

You try to pull your arms out of his grasp but he won't let go. Instead, he kisses you again, backing you up towards your bed. You shout in surprise as he trips you up with his foot. As you hit the bedding with a thud, you burst out laughing. Grinning at you, he kicks off his shoes and drops his pants. You laugh again as his penis bounces out. All hard and throbbing and ready to go. It's the largest you've seen it yet and it makes your hips ache. There's a shadow just above it—his hair is growing back. His testicles sag, wrinkled and soft beneath. You can almost feel them in your hands already.

Goddess, you want him so badly inside you: in your mouth, in your vagina, in your arse. Everywhere!

Then he's on top of you, tugging at your own pants. He yanks them down, but they catch on your shoes. With a snort, you help him twist them off, and then your pants are across the room and you're naked, spread-eagled and vulnerable before him. Your breasts are heaving. Your thighs are spread wide.

He gazes at your womanhood, and the look in his eyes makes you burn all the harder. Dropping to his knees, he slithers between your thighs, his warm, hard stomach pressing up against yours. He attacks your breasts like a maniac.

'Christopher!' you cry. He's taken you by complete surprise. You've never had a man so aggressive. It's strange and unusual and surprisingly wonderful.

He sucks and nibbles and gnaws until you clutch at his head with a gasp of pain. Then he moves onto your shoulders and neck and lips, tasting you, feeling you, knowing you.

'Christopher!' you cry against his lips.

His forehead his deeply furrowed. His eyes are blazing. He's holding his mouth in a snarl. You've never known a man to be so wild before. It's so unlike what you've come to expect of the fairer sex. What's changed him?

He doesn't have trouble finding your wet centre, and it shocks you when he suddenly glides into you. You gasp again, throwing your head back and arching your breasts against his chest. He's so big! So much bigger and harder than he was before.

Then he's thrusting into you, and you move with him. Every time he hits the softness of your cervix, you cry out. It feels so Goddessdamned good! You want him to thrust harder. You want him to go deeper. He's so swollen inside you feel like you can't take much more of him. You feel a little sting as his size forces you to open up wider, the lips of your vagina peeling back to a circumference they haven't known before.

Gripping his shoulders, you cry out.

But you want more. You want more! You try to roll him over so you can be on top but he won't have it. Yanking out of your grasp, he pins your shoulders down, using all his body weight in an attempt to hold you still.

He's grunting. Sweat drips form his fringe. He pulls himself up so he's almost kneeling between your legs as he attempts to thrust more deeply still. His arms are straight as he leans more weight into you until it hurts. You don't mind. You like it. All you do is grit your teeth. His abdominal muscles are all tensed. You hadn't noticed before but he's lost some weight and has toned up. You can see the muscles rippling in his chest and biceps.

He pushes into you more deeply, and you suck in a breath as something opens up deep inside you. It's almost like a second opening, one you've never known was there. It's a little uncomfortable but oh so wonderful at the same time.


Can the camp hear you? You don't care. Let them hear!

To your surprise, he starts to slow. Has he come already? You hope not! But, no. His eyes are still on fire and his body is so tensed the veins in his forearms are like twisting ropes. Slowly, he pulls back. You watch ... and feel. It's such an erotic sensation. It's such an erotic image as you watch the hard, red, swollen length of him withdraw.

Like it did out of his pants, it bounces out of you, and it's so hard that it arches upward. It looks painful. You're panting and gasping as you lie still in your bed. Christopher looks down at himself, as though in surprise, then back at you. He, too, is panting. You can see the muscles sliding under his skin. The hard muscles of his abdomen suck in and out, making his penis bob up and down. A sheen of sweat makes him gleam against the sunlight.

With a groan, you hold out your arms to him. 'Come to me. Finish it.'

He stares at you a moment longer, in your eyes, at your heaving breasts, before dropping his gaze to your groin. You groan as he reaches in to drag his finger up between your inner lips. It almost sends you over the edge but you control yourself. You want him inside you. You want him swallowed whole, so you can feel yourself tugging away at him, so you can milk his seed for all its worth.

You want to have his Goddessdamned baby. Now, before it all comes to an end!

'Come to me,' you say more urgently. You try to sit up to grab him but he pushes you back down again with a strength that surprises you. Pulling himself closer between your legs, he grabs onto your thighs with bruising fingers as he drags the tip of his shaft along your opening. You groan again.

'Please. It's agony!' You're begging. You're actually begging!

Finally, you feel his tip press up against you. You try to thrust against him, to take him inside, but he has such a firm, painful grip on your thighs that you can hardly move. At each ragged breath, it bumps against you, tantalising you. Making you burn. Making you suffer.

He gazes at you with a cruel smile, almost as though he's enjoying your pain. The little bastard! The beautiful, glorious, astounding bastard!

You don't know whether you want to laugh or cry. 'Do it!'

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