5 - Iron Wolf

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Ivy's POV

I sigh as I rummage through my closet trying to decide what I could possibly wear to the mating ball. It's only a few weeks away and honestly, I don't even know if I want to go. But, in saying that, I know that if Cole had his way, I wouldn't be going, so that kind of motivates me to go just to spite him and rub it in his face. He can't do a thing while at the ball surrounded by tons of other packs for fear of his abusive ways coming into the light. So, I guess I can take one positive out of this whole thing.

What also makes me hesitant is the chance I might find my mate. Although with these stupid silver cuffs, I doubt that I would even feel a mate bond anymore. No way to test that until they come along, though. I can only hope that my mate would be from another pack so that I can leave Red Moon. Usually when a female finds her mate, she joins her mate's pack. As sexist as it is, it's preferred that males stay within the pack they were born into. Keeping strength within packs. Personally, I could care less about that if I get to leave. The kicker? Cole wouldn't be able to do a thing about it.

I pull out the few dresses I own, lay them on my bed and look them over.

"These won't work."

"What won't work?" Evie says as she walks into my room. I turn and watch her as she walks with a spoon in her right hand and the tub of peanut butter in the other. I roll my eyes at her and turn to face the dresses and point at them.

"My dresses. They totally wouldn't work for the mating ball. They're too basic."

"Have to agree with you there. Seems like we need to do some shopping in town."

"I guess so. Hopefully I can go."

"Cole already gave you permission to go to Iron Wolf tonight right?"

I nod. "Yeah."

"Then let us leave a little earlier and go find some dresses before we head over there. I promise, we will find something amazing for you."

I smirk. "Okay, I'm trusting you."

Evie chuckles as she turns to leave. "You always do."


(Later that day at the dress shop)

I groan in frustration as I put another dress away on the rack. "Why are all of these so short and slutty?" I say quietly to myself.

I'm seriously questioning Genevieve's taste right now.

I swear if she tries to get me into another mini dress, I'm going to leave....

"Ivy!" I hear her from the back of the boutique, and I make my way past the racks of dresses towards her. I get back and my eyes settle onto the dress she's holding.

I gasp. "It's...beautiful."

She's holding a long sleeved, V-neck mermaid style dress that is covered in a lace applique of red roses that blends into a transparent black bottom with those same lace roses on the trim. She turns it and it has a low back as well.

"You need to get this one!!" Genevieve exclaims, and I get worried. Do I really?

I walk up to her and all the nerves fade as I touch the beautifully crafted dress. "It's probably expensive! No way I could afford it, but it's so gorgeous."

"I'll cover half for you. Go try it on." I look at her with wide eyes. "What?"

"You heard me. You need a dress that suits the ball. You're getting it. No questions. Go try it on!"

She shoves the dress into my arms and points towards the dressing rooms. I gawk at her for a moment, still trying to process that she's helping me pay for it. Suddenly, she pushes me towards the changing rooms.

"Go! See if it needs any adjustments."

"Okay, okay!" I exclaim and close the door to the changing room. I quickly undress and step into the gown, pulling the sleeves over my arms, and doing up the small zipper by my lower back. I shiver and I feel that my back is fully exposed. I glance at myself in the mirror in the dressing room and I smile. I really do like it. I step out again and Genevieve's eyes go wide.

"What?" I ask as she comes up to me and walks around me, inspecting every inch.

"This is it. You look stunning! Might just need to take it a bit in near your waist, but other than that, it fits perfectly. She claps her hands together and pushes me back into the stall. "Take it off and I'll let the seamstress know to take it in a couple inches. We've got to get going to Iron Wolf."

I sigh as I close the dressing room door and start to take it off.

God, she's so pushy...


When we get to Iron Wolf, I smile at Hayden, the bouncer/bodyguard who is at the front door. He smiles back as he lets Evie and I pass, and yells out, "Hope to hear you tonight Ivy!" as we enter the bar. We've known Hayden a long time, we used to hang out with him before I required permission to go anywhere. Got into all sorts of trouble back then. He became the bouncer here after his brother, Kai bought the place and turned it into the biggest werewolf hangout in the northern continent. He's always looked after me when I'm here, and I view him as my own brother.

The Iron Wolf is such a beauty of a place. It's dark, sexy and the perfect place to hide. With black, gold and deep burgundy accents, it's somewhere between fancy restaurant and killer nightclub. There is a large stage straight ahead in the far-left corner as you exit the main hallway, with the mahogany dance floor in front of it. The stage is painted black and has some monitors and other sound equipment placed around. There are two bars located side-by-side on the far-right wall, with the kitchen behind them, a door between the bars giving access to that area. The bars are black as well, but with some sort of marble top on them.

There is also a seating area that is located at the very back of the room, with assorted chairs and tables scattered about. The main attraction of the Iron Wolf is the upstairs area though. I sigh as I glance up and see the railings lining the balcony and the lights hitting the ceiling.

Everyone kills to get up there. Unfortunately, it's for higher ranking wolves due to the hierarchy bullshit that distinguishes everyone. The only way to get to the top area is by the stairs near the stage, but there's usually a bouncer or guard there as well. I've only been up there only a handful of times since I have a good relationship with Kai. From what I remember, there's pretty much a whole other bar up there with everything that is down here, except nicer. The wolves up there can look down to whatever is happening downstairs from the railings, without having to mingle with anyone they don't want to.

I smile as I see Kai over by the stage. We're here before opening because... well I'm performing here tonight.

You heard me. Pretty much exiled female wolf is performing at the biggest wolf bar in town.

I used to perform here many times before my status was removed, and honestly, no one here has ever made a problem of it since then. They come to hear me sing, and they don't judge. The Iron Wolf has become a second home to me, but I've been spending less and less time here because Cole decides to take away my opportunities to come since he knows I love it so much.

He can't stop me from coming completely, because Kai requests me often and I get paid, so on nights like tonight, Cole's hand is pretty much forced to let me go out. He thinks he has total control, but he really doesn't. Another win for me.

Kai waves as we approach him. "Genevieve, Ivy! Glad to see you both here." He looks to me, his dark shoulder length brown hair swishing with his head movement as his grey eyes lock with mine. "You ready for tonight?"

I nod. "More than ready. I'm happy to be here."

"Good, cause there's a special guest here tonight."

I tilt my head in confusion. "Who?"

"Nathaniel Stone, the soon to be Alpha King."

My jaw drops in my mind and I know my eyes are wide like saucers.

He's here?!?


-Sorry for such a delay in updating. School is kicking my butt! I'm working on the next chapter already, so hopefully I'll have it up by the end of the week! Enjoy!

- See you in the next one!! - vv

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