13 - Getting to Know You

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Ivy's POV

My heart pounds as I walk out of the packhouse, with Nathaniel in tow. I turn as I reach the ground from the steps, but I'm not expecting him to be right there. I bump into him slightly, and I stumble back. He reaches out and grabs my arm to steady me, and as I look at him, I feel my heart flutter.

"Sorry, I didn't think you'd be right behind me." I manage to say without my voice giving away my current flustered state. He laughs as he releases my arm. "I shouldn't have been following so close." His voice. How is it so deep and luscious? It's insanely alluring.

There's a short moment of silence, us just staring into each other's eyes, but then I remember we're outside and people can probably see us. I quickly clear my throat and turn away from him, breaking the trance that I was in. I need to get back into what I'm supposed to be doing. I sigh mentally.

This is going to be harder than I thought. But why?


Nathaniel's POV

I can tell she's reacting towards me, but I'm still confused as to why she hasn't realized I'm her mate yet. Ivy is a puzzle I'm just going to have to solve, I guess.

"Is there anywhere specific you'd like to see first?" She asks with her back to me.

"Show me your favourite place." I speak quietly, and she turns to face me again, her cheeks flushed pink. "You want to see my favourite place?" the surprise in her voice clearly evident. I nod.

"You're my guide, I'd love to see where you like to spend your time when you're here."

"Okay, I have two I'll show you, and I'll tell you other places as we pass."

"Sounds perfect to me, after you." She smiles as she starts to walk, and I follow closely behind.

We walk past multiple buildings in which she describes in detail, and then I see her stiffen slightly as some other pack members walk past us. I notice she looks away from them, and I realize why as the looks that are sent her way are of complete disgust.

What happened here that she's treated so poorly from what it seems like her whole pack? This all feels so odd to me, and what really gets me is that the pack continues to treat her like this even in my presence.

We continue to walk, what she describes to me as the training grounds, which Cole had said is where dinner will be this evening. She stops and stares silently into the open field where there are some pack members setting up for dinner. The sun is only starting to set, but the orange glow washes over her in her place, and she's breathtaking. I stand beside her. There's a moment of silence and then she finally speaks.

"This was my favourite place to be until a while ago. I guess it still is a favourite, although I don't get to come here often."

"Why don't you?" I ask, trying to understand why she has such sadness in her voice and on her face, but she shakes her head. "It doesn't matter. I'm sorry, I should have just continued on." She turns to face me and smiles, but I know it's fake. She's forcing it.

"Let keep going." She says as she turns and walks again. I follow behind completely perplexed as to what just happened. I'm irritated at how confused I am, but I push it down.

It will come out eventually.

Ivy continues to show me multiple areas of the lands. We go by the pack garden, which looks magnificent. Ivy told me that she takes care of it mostly and I can see why. It's a peaceful place, and it looks like no one in the pack comes back this way unless absolutely necessary. We haven't passed many other pack members in the short time we've been walking around.

Finally, she stops near one of the houses near the entrance to the lands that I drove in on. It's smaller than most of the other houses we've passed, but it's still got a lot of charm and it's well maintained. Flowers are blooming in planters out from of the door as we get closer.

"My second favourite place is in my house actually. I didn't think that it's not a part of the "pack" per se. We don't have to go in."

"I'd love to see it, please." I say before I think, and her eyes widen in surprise. I try to recover. "Only if you're comfortable. It's your home."

"I hope we get to see mate's house." Kiba chimes in my thoughts and I find myself hoping so as well. Ivy looks away, clearly contemplating her answer and then she looks at me, her green eyes almost glittering with the sun's setting rays.

"Okay. Come on in." She walks up to the door and opens it, and I follow her inside.

The interior of the house is well maintained, clean and very homely. Hardwood flooring, muted floral paint colours on the walls in greens, yellows and pale whites. I remove my shoes out of respect after she takes off hers, and she leads me down a long hallway to a door painted with vines and flowers.

"This is my studio where I practice. If I'm not doing my duties in the pack, this is where I am." Her mood seems lighter, and when the door opens to all her equipment and instruments, her demeanor completely changes. She walks over to her keyboard and plucks out a few notes, the telltale tinging echoing slightly as I approach her.

"I can see why this would be a favourite place. It's like a little oasis in here." She smiles at me and chuckles a little. "Yes, it is kind of like my little oasis. A place where I can escape my troubles. Although it won't be after your visit." She looks me straight in the eyes, her eyes showing panic.

"What do you mean it won't be after my visit?" I question, and she shakes her head. "Just forget I said that." I get closer to her. "Ivy, what is it? You've been tense this entire tour and now what you've just said is making me question that there is something going on here. Something that as the Alpha King that I should know about." My tone is stern, but she doesn't take offence, she just glances to the side.

"I can't say. I'm sorry. Please don't force me." Her voice waivers and I wince at her pain. As much as I want to, as much as I need to know what the hell is happening. I restrain myself. I want her to tell me willingly.

"I'd never force you, but it's clear there is an issue that is affecting you. Please know that I can help you. It's my job as the future King to notice these things at packs in my lands. You can tell me anything, it will be in confidence."

She still doesn't look at me, but her voice is quiet when she says, "I wish I could tell you, but right now I can't."

What the hell is going on?


 - More of a filler chapter but it's needed! Building up Nate and Ivy's relationship. Enjoy!!

 - See you in the next one!! - vv

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