9 - Rogue

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Nathaniel's POV

I can't help but sigh loudly as I enter my bedroom, having just gotten back from the Iron Wolf moments ago. My mind is stuck on how Ivy had said she didn't hear the rogue wolves in the forest. She has a wolf does she not? I didn't smell anything off about her, but it's very odd that she wouldn't be able to sense any danger near her. The fact that she froze up with the mere mention of a rogue wolf, makes me concerned as to what could have happened to her to make her that afraid. Most she-wolves can hold their ground well enough.

You must protect her...

Ignoring Kiba, I walk into my bathroom and turn the shower on as hot as I can handle, before undressing and stepping inside. As I start to wash up from the day, my mind then drifts back to feeling her hands splayed over my chest, and her reactions to me backed against that wall. It felt so right having her touch me, and the calmness I felt from her being close was unexplainable. They always say that your mate is your other half, that a mated pair balances each other out. Now that I have felt her close to me, I'd say it's a correct statement. I've sometimes struggled with my Alpha blood, and it's taken a hell of a lot of training on my part to keep myself calm-headed in heated situations. I thought that Kiba and I would have lost all sense of control when Ivy encountered us, but it was the complete opposite.

I didn't know I could feel such things for another. I want to get to know her, but I have a feeling in my gut that it won't be easy. From our conversation earlier at the bar, I could tell she was reserved in talking to me and she clearly didn't feel the mate pull like I had.

So many questions, hopefully I'll get some answers to them soon.

I exit my bathroom having finished with my shower, and head into my closet to grab a pair of loose black sweats and a t-shirt. I'm just pulling my shirt over my head when there is a knock at my door. I grab my towel and begin to dry my hair slightly, waiting to be addressed.

"Alpha? It's me Tobias."

"Come in." I say, tossing the towel on a nearby chair and heading to the mirror hanging on my wall near my closet. I run my hands through my damp hair as Tobias enters. I turn and see him holding a piece of paper. He looks me in the eyes before approaching and handing me the paper.

"There's been another rogue attack." He states plainly and I sigh loudly, scanning over the report. "10 casualties, including the Alpha and Luna? Fuck."

Tobias shakes his head in disbelief. "That's now the third attack this year alone. Not to mention the others that have happened in previous years. Rogues have never been this much of a problem before." I fold the paper in half and walk over to place it on my desk across the room near my bed. "I know. Something is going on, and we need to get to the bottom of it before more wolves die. Can you organize a pack meeting for tomorrow evening? The pack needs to be vigilant about this. I won't have them be unprepared incase the rogues get some idea to attack here on my lands."

"Of course, Alpha. I'll get it done straight away."

"Thank you, T. I'm going to get in contact with my parents and the other Reigns. Safe to say this is becoming a problem that needs the full co-operation of everyone."

"I agree, Nate. From what I've heard there's been some increase in rogue activity in the other territories, but no attacks yet. Seems like they're only in the Northern Continent as of now."

"Just has to be my territory, doesn't it?" I say and I run my hand down my face in frustration.


(A Few Days Later...)

Ivy's POV

I haven't been able to get my mind off Alpha Nate.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Was it because he treated me with respect and didn't look down on me as everyone else in my pack does? Is it because he made me feel like I'm living a normal life for a few minutes, like I was at peace?

I scoff as I sit on my bed in my room, seriously wondering if I am going to crazy to still be thinking about another wolf in more capacity than I thought I had, and that he's an Alpha to boot? I must really be going nuts.

It's the middle of the afternoon, and I finished all my work around the pack fast today, which I am thankful for because now I can have some free time to myself. Neither Cole nor Alarik got on my case today, which I am also thankful for. They're probably busy prepping for the Alpha King's visit next week, and then the mating ball after that. I stand and stretch, hearing my back crack in response and then proceed to head out of my bedroom and down the hall to my music room that Kane and Genevieve had set up for me in one of the extra bedrooms.

My keyboard is in there, as well as my acoustic and electric guitar, some old recording equipment and some other electronic stuff that is Kane's. I'm not the best at guitar, but I've been practicing. I'll get there.

The music room is plain, but it's still one of my favourite places to be in the house. It has light grey walls with some black and blue soundproof padding placed sporadically over, with a large window at the back of the room that looks out into the forested area that surrounds the pack lands. The floor is plush white carpet, and there are a couple of navy-coloured smaller couches in here for relaxing.

I sit down at the keyboard and stretch and crack my fingers before letting them freely splay across the keys. As much as I love my keyboard, I would love to play on an actual acoustic piano in a large venue where the sound could echo for days. Half smiling, I place my fingers in chord positions and begin to play small warm up chords to get the blood flowing through my fingers. Once I feel I'm ready and warmed up, I go straight into some of my favourite songs, playing them effortlessly.

My mind drifts into a peaceful state as I continue to artfully glide my fingers over the keys, the music filling me up and allowing me to break away from what reality is for me here. But those dark, harrowing thoughts return, and I wonder if I'll ever get a reprieve for what is my life...

"Have I ever told you how much I love when you play?" I stop and turn to see Kane standing in the doorway of the music room, smiling at me. I return the smile. "You have but thank you for still saying it." Kane then comes and joins me on the piano bench, sitting on my left side.

"What's on your mind?" Kane asks me, his chestnut brown eyes narrowing in on me with a concerned look.

"Just the usual. Wondering if life for me will change at all. It's getting harder for me to stay here. I'm tempted to leave." I poke out some short notes on the keys as I wait for his response.

"And become a rogue? You know that would give Cole another reason to hunt you down. You must stay strong, Ivy. I know it's easier said than done, but please for Evie and me, just try." I look at him, seeing the evident pain in his face and in his voice at the thought of me leaving. "I'm trying. That's the best I can do."

"That's all you need to do is try. We've got your back, you know that."

I nod and place my hands back onto the keys into chord positions. Kane places his left hand up on the keys and looks at me with a stern look.

"Okay, teach this musically challenged wolf some notes." I smile to myself as I reach over and adjust his fingers into proper position. I play notes with my own left hand, and then getting him to mimic it. I chuckle as he mumbles under his breath how his fingers are cramping, but he continues following my lead, all while distracting me from my thoughts.

Thank you, my friend.


 - New update! Chapter 10 is coming soon! 

 - See you in the next one!! - vv

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