45 - Panicked Preparation

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Ivy's POV

I start to panic as I hear the words come out of Nate's mouth.

How could I have forgotten about my heat?

Because I thought without Seles, I wouldn't have one.

But I know she's still there, and now that my cuffs have been removed, I guess all is fair game.

"Do you feel anything right now?" Nate questions me and I stop for a second and focus on myself and my body. I shake my head. "No. I don't feel any different right now. No pain, nothing."

"Okay. Regardless I can smell it on you. I think we should go prepare because it's for sure coming baby." I look at him and I see the worry in his eyes. I don't really understand exactly why he is so panicked, but I nod anyways.

We immediately head back to the packhouse and into the medical wing where Nadine is sitting at her desk near the front. Nathaniel looks at her and speaks quietly. "We need to speak with you Nadine, it's urgent." She nods and leads us into one of the private medical rooms, closing the door quietly behind her.

"What is it, Alpha?" She questions and he looks to me and then back to Nadine.

"I can smell Ivy's heat coming on." Her eyes widen as she turns to me. "How are you feeling?"

I shake my head. "I'm fine, I don't feel anything right now." I state the truth and as I watch her and Nate's uneasy stances as they stand in the room with me, it dawns on me that there is clearly something I don't know and decide to question it.

"This isn't going to bode well for me, is it?" I question and Nate runs his hand through his hair, signalling his stress as Nadine shakes her head. "You are correct, Luna."

"Can you both just talk to me about this, so I don't go into a complete panic?" I ask softly, but my voice shakes.

"Of course. Alpha, will you permit me to explain?" She looks to Nate, and he nods.

"In normal circumstances, a female wolf going into heat isn't something to be concerned about, but in your case it's different."

"How so?" I ask and Nadine clears her throat. "You are mated to a pureblood royal of our race. As misogynistic as it sounds, part of your mating is obviously for you to produce heirs. Royal mates usually have more intense heat cycles than that of normal female wolves."

"So, what, more painful?" Nadine nods. "It's more painful, lasts longer, and could severely affect you mentally and physically."

I take a deep breath and exhale. I know what she's getting at.

"It could kill me."

Nathaniel growls lowly then and I look to him. He grasps one of my hands, squeezing tightly.

"Yes, Luna. It could."

"Is there anything that can be done to increase the chances of it not killing me?" I squeeze Nate's hand in response to him tensing. "Yes. There are some herbs, salves and of course intimacy from Alpha that can increase the chances of it not affecting you negatively."

"Okay." Nate lets go of my hand, steps in front of me, and lifts me onto the bed in the room before he kneels and looks up at me.

"Songbird, the challenge for me is going to be my stamina. You're going to be insatiable."

"What if we were to try and plan it out? Use everything we can in moderation, so we don't exhaust everything?" I glance at Nadine, and she nods. "We can try. We won't know exactly how severe this will be for you until it hits. But spreading every option out so that Alpha can recuperate could work well."

"Could we ask Althea if she has anything that can help?" I glance down at Nathaniel and he nods. "I will go ask her."

"You can go now Alpha; I have to do a full workup on Ivy anyways."

"Will you be okay?" He asks me and I nod. "Yes." He stands and kisses the top of my head.

"Before you leave Alpha, we're not trying for pups this time around, are we? You know it's almost guaranteed Ivy will get pregnant." He looks at me and we don't even have to talk about it. I shake my head as does he.

"Not yet."

"Then I'll give Ivy the injection to prevent it then. You make sure you come back for yours." With another nod, Nate takes his leave from the room, leaving Nadine and I alone.

I inhale loudly and exhale shakily as Nadine approaches me. She rubs my arms to try and soothe me, and it works to a small degree. "You and Alpha will get through this. I know you will." 

"I hope so. What do you need to do for the checkup?"

"Some blood draws, weight, and a pelvic exam if that's okay with you?" I nod. "You do what you need to do."

Nathaniel's POV

I know I worried her, but I can't help it. The amount of royal mated females that have succumbed to their heat is more than I really would like to admit. I know that there is a chance that she will come through unscathed, but obviously I'm still concerned for the fact that she may not.

I knock on the door to Althea's room, and she opens the door. "Yes, Alpha?"

"Ivy is going to be in her heat soon. Is there anything that you can do to ease the process in any way?" I watch her lavender eyes glance to the floor in thought before she raises them again to look at me sternly before nodding.

"Yes, I do have some magic I can perform to dull the pain and I can help Nadine make some salves that could assist. Is there concern for her life?"

"We're just trying to prepare in case of anything." I state sadly and she nods. "Of course. I will go visit Nadine and converse with her and get started right away."

"Thank you, Althea. Honestly, you've been such a help while you've been here."

"My pleasure, Alpha King. I wish all the best concerning this." I turn and head back to my mate, hoping that when her heat hits, we will be as prepared as possible.

Ivy's POV

The tension has been thick all around as we wait. It's been a few days since Nate could smell my heat on me. It's hard to say when it would come, but there's no doubt. It is coming. Nate has been able to smell it on me continuously ever since he sensed it the first time.

We've made as many preparations as possible, and now it's just been an unfortunate waiting game.

Although I think it's coming soon. I know Nate can sense that I feel off, which I can now say with 100% certainty is true.

Nadine gave Nathaniel and I our shots yesterday to prevent me from falling pregnant, and brought up a massive cart full of salves, creams, medications, and some other items to help assist, including bath salts and herbs for soaking in the tub with. It's sitting in the living room across from me on the couch, making it obvious as to what I'm about to experience.

Nathaniel has cancelled all his duties for the week, since we expect this to last at least 4 days, which is twice as long as a normal heat. But it could go longer, we don't know.

I pull my blanket in tighter as I groan, resting my head onto my knees.

"Ivy?" Nathaniel questions as he walks over from the kitchen to sit down beside me.

"I'm okay. Just feeling a bit achy."

"Come here." He pulls my back into his chest and massages my shoulders and I sigh.

"Thank you." I say quietly. We sit like that for a few moments, and I start to doze off.

I don't get much of a nap though, because almost immediately sharp stabbing pains shoot through my body and I gasp, breaking away from Nate's contact, the blanket falling from the couch as I shoot forward and wrap my arms around myself.

"I think it's starting." I manage to say before I feel myself getting warmer, as if I'm going to burn from the inside out.


- mature chapter coming up next!

- See you in the next one! - vv

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