34 - Yearning

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Ivy's POV

It's been a week since I returned from the retreat with Nathaniel, and I'm missing him.

Missing him a lot. More than I really thought I would.

We've been texting every single day when he's got time, but it's nothing like being in person with him physically. We're planning to do a video call this evening once he's finished up with a meeting so at least I'll get to see him in some capacity.

As for life back home, well....

Cole and Alarik haven't laid a hand on me since I've come home, making me think that Cole listened to my threat and has backed off for time being. At least, I hope. I'm still doing all the normal duties that he asked of me before, but it seems he's finally leaving me alone to do them. Kane and Genevieve have told me that I probably should keep my guard up still, which I am, but this is a welcome feeling to not have to worry as much.

I walk outside of the house and make my way to the garden, and I make sure to do the zipper up on my sweater as I walk. It's starting to get colder, signalling that Fall is on its way, and then after that? Winter obviously, but that's also when Nathaniel is taking over as Alpha King. As I continue to make my way, I think of how different his life is going to be once he officially takes his position and if we would even have time for each other.

I doubt it.

I sigh as I arrive at my destination and head into the shed and grab some tools. The task for today? To collect the remaining harvest, and then uproot some of the plants that won't survive the colder weather. I move to the first section and get to work, soon having to put my hair up as I start to sweat. Thankfully there isn't too much to collect, and soon I'm moving on to uprooting.

Dig, scoop, rip, and toss. Rinse and repeat. I work away tirelessly, and soon I've finished majority of the task in a few hours time and decide to take a small break and sit on the fence and look around the packlands.

I don't feel a connection here anymore.

I watch pack members walk around and see the trainees on the field, watching as they go through their drills with Kane, and I feel nothing. My mind drifts and I don't notice Kane in front of me until he says my name.

"Ivy." I look and he tosses a water at me, and I catch it with one hand.

"Thank you." I say as I open it and take a small sip. Kane joins me on the fence, sighing as he looks around too. "So, the time away seemed to be really good for you." He states and I turn to look at him beside me and I nod. "It was good. I didn't want it to end."

"I bet, being around that Alpha King of ours..." He trails off and I smack him on the shoulder.

"What's than supposed to mean?" I ask playfully and he smirks. "You really thought I didn't hear what you told Evie last week?" I gasp, choking on my water and sputtering. "You heard?" I say and he laughs.

"I have my wolf hearing Ivy, did you forget?" He says as he chuckles at me, and I roll my eyes.

"I don't need you knowing my sexual encounters. My god."

He laughs. "Honestly, I'm not that surprised. He looks at you like he wants to devour you. At least he did the entire time he was here for his visit."

I blush and fix my ponytail awkwardly.

"He did just that, didn't he?" He asks and I nod slightly, utter mortified that I'm talking to Kane about this. "If you must know. Yes, he did. Can we get off this topic please?" I plead and he laughs again.

"Did you want to do some training tonight?" He asks and I smile. "You know I do!"

"Okay. Meet me at the training grounds when the sun goes down tonight then." He hops off the fence with a swift motion and I smile. "Sounds good, Kane." He goes to walk but stops and turns to face me again.

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