22 - The Palace Visitor

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Nathaniel's POV

I watch as Ivy walks beside me as we enter the palace with Tobias following behind with Ivy's bags. My mind is still swimming with thoughts that threaten to undo all my self-control. The kiss between us was pure welcomed insanity. Feeling her on top of me, fighting for dominance? Pure primal nature and I wanted more.

I can't help but chuckle as I she turns slightly to look at me, her eyes widened in shock and awe.

"This is.." she trails off, turning herself in every direction, clearly still in a state of bewilderment at what I can only assume is the furnishings and overall state of the palace having not stepped foot in it before.

The main hall is decorated with an assortment of expensive paintings and decorations on pure white walls, with marble flooring – white with streaks of black and silver. Dark wooden accented tables and stands with roses and other flowers litter the main entrance, matching the giant archway that leads into the next part of the palace.

We're stopped by Renee, my parent's personal assistant who I recognize right away. She bows her head to the three of us. She turns to Ivy.

"Welcome to the palace Ivy. My name is Renee and I assist Queen Daciana and King Oryn, Reigns of the Northern Continent. If you need anything while you are here, please do not hesitate to ask. As you're a guest of Alpha Nathaniel, a room has been set up for you in the guest area of his wing in the palace."

Ivy nods, still clearly speechless which I find partially amusing as Renee turns to address me.

"My lord, your parents have set up a meeting for tomorrow afternoon at 1:00. Please let me know if there is anything else you require. Your usual room is still as you left it in your wing."

I nod at her. "Thank you, Renee, I appreciate it. Tell my parents I will see them tomorrow." She nods and smiles at Tobias before turning and walking away.

Ivy clears her throat before turning to face me. "You have your own wing in the palace?" I chuckle at her disbelief. "Yes. All heirs take over the wing as their own. It gets passed down the royal generations."

"This is a lot." She states plainly and I can't help but agree with her. "It is, but don't worry, that's all you really need to know. C'mon, let's get you settled into your room. It's getting late."

All she needs to know for now. Kiba states in my thoughts.

I start to walk slightly ahead of Ivy, leading her through the archway into the main hall that allows access to every other section of the palace. "The two large staircases here lead upstairs to the upper level of the royal ballroom on the right, and another banquet like space on the left. The lower level here leads to the main entrance of the ballroom again on the right, and where we're going is on the left, to the living quarters. Follow me."

She nods. "Is the matting ball being held in the ballroom?" She questions and we make our way through the doors on the left side. "Yes. I'll give you a tour of it within the next couple of days and show you everything you need to know for your performance."

We continue to walk down the similar white hallway, passing multiple doors until we get to an all-familiar dark wooden door with a golden handle, a carved plaque with a letter N on it. "This leads to my wing." I say as I turn the knob and walk through, Ivy and Tobias following behind.

I decorated this area of the wing slightly different to that of the rest of the palace, and Ivy's audible gasp makes me chuckle slightly. Instead of all white, I went with tones of grey, navy blue and black when I took over this wing many years ago. The first room is a large living area off to the left with a stone fireplace and an assortment of navy and black couches and sitting chairs, which is attached to a large dining area with a full-on kitchen. Navy cabinets with a grey granite counter-tops and black appliances.

I stop to explain. "This is where you can spend some downtime and eat. Kitchen is fully stocked."

I continue to walk near the far right of the room that leads into another hallway. "This has a few different rooms, the four on the left here are my office, recreational room, gym, and my personal room. The four doors on the right are all guest rooms. Yours is the one at the end, across from my room."

Which I planned for.

Ivy's POV

This place is insane. A girl could get used to this!

I follow Nathaniel into my room, and I'm shocked yet again. This room is all grey and white. Dark wood flooring, light grey walls with minimalistic artwork on them, there's a large king-sized canopy bed in the middle with a white dresser beside a slightly ajar closet door that is also white on the left. I walk towards the open door, and I have to stop my jaw from dropping to the floor for a billionth time.

It's a freaking walk-in! For a guest room!

I peek over to the right and see that there's a large bathroom on that side, seeing the partial side of a bathtub through the open doorway. I turn and smile at Nathaniel as Tobias places my bags onto the large bed. "I'm staying here?" I question, and I know it must come across as just utter disbelief, but when you live as an outcast in your own pack with no privileges like this, I can't help but be surprised.

"Yes, if you need anything I'm just across the hall. I'll let you get unpacked and rest. Feel free to explore tomorrow if you want, we can always take a bit of a tour before my meeting."

"That sounds wonderful."

"If you can't ever find Alpha, I'll be around and can help you out." Tobias states and I nod. "I appreciate that, Tobias. Thank you." With that, he walks out, leaving Nate and I alone again.

I look at Nate, the silence proving deafening.

"Thank you for accommodating me here, honestly."

"It's not a problem. Are you okay for the night? I know it was a bit of a drive."

His concern for me makes my heart pick up its pace slightly.

"I should be good, I was just going to unpack, cleanup and get some sleep." What he says next surprises me a little bit.

"I'll give you my cell number in case you need anything and I'm not close by. Text or call anytime, okay?" He approaches me and I grab my phone from my bag and hand it to him. A few seconds later, it's back in my hands with a new contact added.

Nate, but with a winking face.

This man.

"Thank you, I'll text shortly so you've got mine." I say, waving the phone slightly in my hand.

"Sounds good, see you tomorrow." He says before he smiles and leaves the room with a soft click of the door.


 - a bit more filler, sorry! But gotta describe the next surroundings!

 - see you in the next one! - vv

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