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Dave tinkered with an unknown item, that weirdly looked like a sharp onion ring, at his work-space underneath his home. He scrunched his brows in confusion and anger. He didn't notice about his eyes, sorta.. He felt like he mildly knew in a way, a weird gut feeling to wake up with. He couldn't entirely focus on his project due to the afternoon, that was thankfully in the past now. Dave grabbed a screwdriver and brought it over to his small contraption he was building. He unexpectedly dropped the screwdriver and stood up and threw everything off his table in rage. He didn't know how to move forward from today, he had to last another week until he was able to use the next dose to make this permanent, and if he got caught before that, he wouldn't be able to take it in time if they took the correct measures.
"That dick." Dave mumbled
He cleaned up all of his stuff and continued to tinker with this useless toy. He looked at his tiny machine, and nodded his head.
"I could probably use this if necessary," Dave whispered to himself.
He tapped his foot impatiently, and what would he do about the others..? All they were doing was being a liability, specially that chef. But what could he do about him, when he even gets a chance Dave's thoughts might steer away from it. Henry did have a weird liking for that bastard, it always made Dave feel extremely uncomfortable. And to pile onto the problem, what could he do about Jack? He did have many ideas, multiple of them being beat down by the injection for good reasons. A few were tying him up and threatening him to keep shut, even though he did seem to shut up a bit more at the end of his afternoon treatment. Dave had to admit, he liked being that closed to him, it would've been nice if he was just a little closer... maybe even-
"SHUT THE FUCK UP." Dave screeched, standing up and covering his ears.
Dave had to stop his train of thought, since his dirty imagination kicked in. While his thoughts started up, his head seared with a burning touch, almost like his head was on fire. That was probably why he said to shut up, because he knew that was the reason for the pain.
"I KNOW IT'S UNHEALTHY, I KNOW I KNOW!!" He screamed, small tears forming in the corner of his eyes. "I'LL STOP, I-I WOn't dO it again."
He collapsed onto the floor in a heaping mess, tears starting to pool on the ground. His eyes seemed almost a faint pastel at this time, making it look almost white again. His expression was almost heartbreaking, his frown was a message of regret, almost like it was sending a cry for help already, such a shame nobody was there. The color changed to it's new, but original purple as he stood up with a now disgusted face. He straightened his posture and looked back at his desk, viewing the almost complete, simple looking machine.
"The chef needs to go." Dave muttered.
He picked up the ring and threw it under his desk for later.

Kawaii_Sadie17<3 wonders if anyone will even reads these

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