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Jacks slammed his hell bent fridge closed after grabbing some left over fried rice he had for, taking a long shot here, three months. It surprisingly only had mold on the top layer of it, and he only had to pick out some spoiled pieces of pork here and there after that. He sat down on his couch and turned on his tv, a random sci-fi movie playing. Jack chuckled less than he usually did to the cheesy aliens and screams in the film, something seemed to bother him. He couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling he had, and no, it wasn't from the old food he was shoving into himself. Jack placed his utensils and moldy rice waste on his coffee table, that also seemed to see the flip side and not come back the same. He stared at the movie a bit longer, until he ultimately decided to turn it off and get up. Jack slipped on his shoes, and grabbed his car keys, planning to take a trip to Dave's house. He hopped in his surprisingly well kept car, and started it up.

Jack parked outside Dave's neighborhood, fearing that some edgy teens would beat up his beauty of a ride. He strolled down the sidewalk that was decorated in cigarettes and multiple flavored condom rappers, till he was faced with a house that had the color drained from it. It probably used to be a gorgeous shade of navy blue, but now looked more of a drained grey-ish blue... Almost like it couldn't decide what color it wanted to be. Jack walked towards the front door cautiously, remembering a story that Dave told him about a kid putting a land mine in his front yard. Jack knocked on the front door once he successfully made it through the small war zone without being shot into a million bits by a planted explosive. The door cracked open. Jack was taken aback by this, the door wasn't locked?
"Dave?" Jack yelled, slightly opening the door more so he could see farther into the house.
Was he not home? Why wasn't he home this late at night? Then again, why was Jack visiting him at this time. The orange man took a step into his co-worker's house, closing the door silently behind him. He took his shoes off and stuffed his keys in his pocket.
"Dave, are you home" Jack asked, "it's Jack, the door was open, so I let myself in..."
He walked towards his friend's room, maybe he was throwing knives at his ceiling again, or something like that. He creaked open the door, revealing an empty, yet impressively clean room. Jack noticed there wasn't much in there, besides a king size bed that was probably stolen.
"I wish I slept in that bed" Jack muttered, "alone of course..."
Jack stood there for a minute, thinking about the last thing he whispered, of course by himself, who else would be with him? He uneasily exhaled, that was enough time spent in this room.

Jack decided after checking in the bedroom for the third time, that Dave might not be here. Unless he was hiding under the bed... Jack walked over and knelt down to get a deeper look into the shadows that lied under the king sized mattress.
He didn't see his Coworker under there, thankfully, but something glistened from the small moon beams that lightly touched the shadows. Jack went to grab the item, finding a thin box, surprisingly heavy for it's size. He held it in his hands for a while, somehow, he just couldn't let go of it...
Holy shit. Jack broke his gaze with the mysterious box, what the fuck was that. Jack felt the color in his face drain, that sound, he didn't like it. That couldn't have been...
"Who the fuck is in my house." A similar voice shouted.
Nope, that was definitely a kitchen knife. But he wouldn't hurt Jack, he knew him.
"I do not care who you are, but I swear to god I will slit your throat when I see you."
Jack felt the spoiled rice in his stomach churn, he was beyond done for. Then the sound of footsteps grew towards the bedroom.
"I'm so fucked oh lord, shit shit shit." Jack muttered to himself.
He quickly got up and rested up against the wall next to the door, stuffing the small item in his hand into the pocket with his keys. Then it swung open, revealing an insane man holding a goddam kitchen knife. Jack quickly booked it out of the room, running towards the front door. Why did Dave suddenly scare him so much? He swiftly grabbed his shoes and twisted the doorknob. A sudden foot kicked the front door shut with a surprising amount of force. An arm wrapped around Jack's waist, the kitchen knife raised to his throat.
The arm around Jack loosened.
"... Jack, what the hell are you doing here."
The blade lowered away from his throat.
"I came to check up on you, but you didn't reply when I knocked, and the door was open, so I just walked in."
William sighed.
"Please don't kill me." Jack requested politely.
With that note, Dave randomly pulled Jack closer, almost giving him a hug.
"Thanks Sport.." He said in a strangely heartbroken tone.
Then, as quickly as his voice broke, William pushed Jack away, a snarl on his face.
"Get out of my sight Kennedy," he spat unexpectedly.

Jack jogged back down the dull street, hastily trying to get back home. He felt his pocket, making sure his keys were still in his possession...
"Oh shit."
Jack pulled out a small, thin box. How could he forget about it? Well, he was chased by his Coworker with a knife, thats a pretty valid reason to forget something. He put the box back into his pocket, deciding to return it to Dave tomorrow at work. He turned the corner, to face his car with a long white line across it's paint, it'd been keyed.
"God fucking DA-"

Kawaii_Sadie17 randomly puts these here, lol <3

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