Facing the Seeker part 2

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(To continue the 3 part arc).

After being rescued by Skywarp due to a trap laid by Starscream the rangers had taken the flight to recover themselves and also to discuss proper strategy. "If we're going to get the duo back.... We need to outsmart Director Knight.... And Starscream" stated Serge. "But how, they both have enough experience combined that it's why they're cunning and deadly" responded Aaron. "The big weakness... It's you guys.... If director knight didn't care would you be alive?" Asked Skywarp. Everyone gulped stunned hearing that, but yet it was true. Starscream could've killed them in the ambush, but he didn't. "He doesn't want to...we already saw that bit, he wants to fight us while the rest were there for the ambush.... Not kill" added Nick. Skywarp soon landed letting them off. "Another weakness.... Unlike your director, Starscream has a habit of being too full of himself if he isn't reigned in, keep it in mind" he added.

The four rangers nodded in response. "We'll keep it in mind, thanks for the help" added Serge. Skywarp flew off with Nick checking the area. "Got it, Starscream is nearby, but so is Shadow raker" he said. The rangers looked at the signal before looking at each other. "He's setting up Shadow raker as our main opponent instead of us fighting him" responded Aaron. "Bait and trap, I read the history before the academy.... It's what Starscream did a lot when he was with the Decepticons mainly because Megatron did it to him" added Nick. They looked in the direction of the signal debating a bit.

Deciding that even though they won't be fighting the former Decepticon seeker yet Shadowraker is still a problem so they'll defeat him first so they headed to the location. On arrival Shadowraker was ready for them, but he looked unhappy. "Damn it Starscream, you still have that reputation" he muttered. "Aw abandoned and now seeing we're alive" added Sophia. Shadowraker growled facing them and he snapped his fingers before the brainwashed Sixshot and Scattershot joined him. "And there's the duo we need" added Aaron. They backed up a little as a huge army of con-structs, some of a different design, appeared as well. "Up there!" Exclaimed Serge spotting Starscream with one silver optic at a high vantage point.

"You kidding me, he's still there?!" Exclaimed Nick. Shadowraker laughed at their reactions. "Sorry rangers, but while he's not one of my shadows, he hasn't abandoned anyone once this time" responded Shadowraker. "Hope you like my silver energon con-structs rangers, thought it was time for a little.... Plot twist" stated Starscream. The four rangers were taken aback and nervous. "Not good, we know nothing to the silver energon" added Sophia. "Then it looks like we're gonna wing it, ready?" Added Serge getting his morpher ready. The others nodded getting theirs ready too.

"Cyber force, initiate!" The foursome said before they morphed to ranger mode. "Let's go!" Commanded Serge but with nervousness in his voice. The group charged into battle and started fighting the con-structs, the silver energon con-structs, the brainwashed Sixshot and Scattershot and Shadowraker. The original con-structs were easy, plus they were able to free Sixshot and Scattershot. However it proved harder on the silver energon fueled con-structs. "Ok these guys are harder, how do we do this?" Asked Aaron. The group panted and kept trying to fight. "Serge do you have any plans?" Asked Sophia.

Serge was unable to respond due to being terrified. "Serge wake up!!!!" Yelled Nick. On cue Sixshot and Scattershot had attacked Starscream breaking his concentration. "Weakened the beasts for our unable to think ally, take em down" added Scattershot. "Serge focus leader!" Added Sophia. Serge looked at the weakened con-structs. "All right let's blast them" he said. "Jumperblaster!" Yelled Serge using his weapon and destroying a silver con-struct.

"Speedstriker!" Yelled Nick before he fired with his weapon destroying another. "Lightning stingers!" Added Sophia attacking multiple at once. Aaron concentrated getting his weapon out. "Strike them synergyball!" He added finishing the last silver con-struct off. Shadowraker growled as he then took on the rangers himself while Starscream regained composure and focus again. *"Rangers, don't falter like that again"* added Strongarm sternly on comm. The foursome apologized even though Serge felt the worst. "Now let's get Shadowraker" added Nick.

The foursome combined their weapons immediately. "Requium blaster....." Started Serge. "fire!" They all said together. A huge energy blast in all four ranger colors shot out nailing Shadowraker right in the chest. The con screamed as he was destroyed right in front of them. "Surrender Starscream, it's your turn now!" Commanded Serge. Starscream had a hand over an optic as he laughed insanely. "You think I'm out of tricks?!" Asked Starscream.

He grinned facing them revealing the covered optic had a lot of silver marks coming off it. "I'm still kicking" he said. Starscream tossed down a shard of purple energon as it hit Shadowraker on the blasted chest. "HE CAN USE DARK ENERGON SHARDS WILLINGLY?!" exclaimed Sophia. Shadowraker roared reviving as a megamonster. "But what's the fun with just dark energon on one?" Asked Starscream. He used the silver energon power suddenly causing two con-structs to fuse with mega form Shadowraker. He took off immediately yelling "HOPEFULLY IT'S NOT TOO MUCH" he added laughing.

The foursome gasped looking at the three beasts. "That so was sarcasm by the way" added Sophia. *"Rangers rely on better power, then you can destroy all three"* added Strongarm. "All right... Starscream is gone though, so the silver fueled minions are weaker, let's move" added Serge. "Right" added the other rangers. "Zord power initiate, Cliffjumper transform!" Added Serge giving more to the call. He transformed to Cliffjumper ready to fight. "I like that better, zord power initiate, Blurr transform!" Called Nick.

Nick transformed into Blurr who sped around laughing. "Cantcatchme!" He yelled. "Zord power initiate, Bumblebee transform!" Added Sophia. She transformed to Bumblebee ready to fight. "Zord power initiate, Hound transform!" Added Aaron before he transformed to Hound. "Combine to form the cyber defense megazord guys" added Cliffjumper. The four Autobots united and combined together to create the megazord facing Shadowraker and the two mega con-structs. "We'll get all three of them" added the megazord.

It fought back against the trio stumbling at the occasional attacks. "Ok they're tough". *" Don't back down, they're weaker since Starscream isn't present, you have the opportunity "* added Strongarm on comm. The megazord attacked and blasted destroying the minions first. "Now to focus on Shadowraker". The megazord concentrated power. " Four energon powers together ". " Speeding light, syngery life, combine and strike! ".

The blasts came out in two divided lights before they united together. The blast hit Shadowraker straight dead center taking him down. "And now he is scrap" added Hound once the megazord broke apart. The rangers took back control after. *"Rangers it's knockout, you stopped the fight in time, I have a way we can get Starscream and Director Knight back, meet me at the location I provide for you"* he said. The foursome checked the location and took off. "Let's hope this works" added Nick.

(Part 3 will come next. And it'll be the conclusion to this 3 parter. Took a while but finally part 2 is finished. Again like I said. This is going to take a bit to finish before I can do other stories. Anyway hope you enjoy).

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